Buried Alive

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Luna's POV

I hate arguments.
And that's all I can hear right now - loud, senseless arguing.

"...and then we find out 'one of you guys' is..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"But one of us is the killer!"
"But how do you even see that from that far?"
"I have good vision!" Same Oli, same.
"Doesn't make any sense!"
"Bullshit, 'I have good vision'!"
"We can't just blame it on one person, it could genuinely be any of us."
Oli retorts, defending himself. He makes a good point.

None of this makes any sense to me; how could one of us be in league with the evil when, I'm pretty sure, none of us knew beforehand we were going to be invited to a dinner party with Joey?
Although, Shane knew something - he could tell there was something off, but he never indicated that any of our group was involved at all. But then if he was already a member of some secret organisation to fight evil, then who's to say that a different guest wasn't in league with the house all along, even before the invite, and Shane didn't know?

This is getting more confusing by the second, I'm absolutely exhausted and it's only been a couple hours.

"All I'm saying, is Justine took out Andrea, she sabotaged the entire death machine-"
"I believe that."
"-it's gotta be Justine!"
"I told her not to pick me 'cause I'm stupid!"
"That doesn't change the fact that you killed her!"

I honestly have no clue who it could be. Logic would point to Joey, since he owns the house, but it seems to me that this place has been evil for a while now, at least, and he just ended up inheriting it. Besides, I've known him for along time, I know what he looks like when he's clueless, and right now, he looks just as lost as the rest of us. But to be fair... I may be a bit biased. Speaking of...

"Okay, listen, listen, guys, Eva brought back a note that was with the artefact." Joey says, getting us back on track. Finally everyone is listening and not blindly pointing fingers. Joey hands me the letter and I open it as everyone gathers round. I open the letter to find a photo?

"What the heck?" I say.
"It's a super creepy picture."
"I don't know her."
"Who is that?"
The photo is of a pretty woman with blonde hair, but what does it mean? What is it for? Joey reads out the note that came with it:

"The location of the next artefact can only be found by speaking to the woman in the photograph. The inconvenience is, she is no longer with the living. To get answers from across the grave, you must perform a séance, but, to ensure the circle does not open a doorway to unwanted spirits, there must be acquired a unique part of her beauty, an article of clothing, or her birthstone."

So now we're summoning the dead. Fantastic.
I take a look at the back of the photo where there are more instructions:

"If you seek the three, you must study the picture, giving it all your attention, but must tear it to pieces right after you proceed. Once the objects have been found, return them to the golden dish and the séance ritual will be revealed."

We all study the photo and take note of the standout features: her blonde hair, her emerald earrings and her vibrant red scarf.
"Has everyone got them down? Remembered?"
Once they respond, I rip up the photo, and hear an all too familiar noise of some mechanism opening.
"Did you guys hear that?" I ask, then Glozelle sees something, "The drawer is open!" We gather around it as Matt opens the drawer to find some keys.
"There's three keys."
"Could this be to the rest of the house?"
That would make sense, but it couldn't be the ground floor since I think the doors are all already open. I voice my thought, with one of the keys in my hand.
"I think we should look upstairs, if these keys are to unlock rooms then they're probably not on this floor."

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