Jealousy is an Ugly Green Monster

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I really hope you guys like my story. I'm sorry for the errors. But, I also hope to get to 1,000 readers and hopefully more. All right, now back to the story!


(Ciana's POV)

(Alex just came here and she seems really cool , it seems that she likes Mindless Behavior too. But, I want to see what she's about.)

Ciana: So, Alex? How do you and Meghan know each other?

Alex: Meghan and I used to go to school together.

Ciana: Oh, well I have a feeling that all of us will be best friends.

Alex: I do too!

Ciana: So what do you guys want to do?

Meghan: How about we watch a movie with the guys?

Alex: That's sounds fun!

Ciana: Let's do it!

(We went downstairs and made some popcorn. We couldn't decide what movie to watch so we had a movie marathon. We watched Norbit, The Conjuring, and X-Men: Days of Futures' Past. The boys asked us if we wanted to play Twister, and we had a really fun time. We stayed up for a few more hours and we talked and then we went to bed. The boys were very flirty to my friends, especially Princeton, but instead of the girls, he flirted with me. It was very weird since I already have a boyfriend. That reminds me! Maybe I'll invite Chris over to meet my friends.)


{Next morning, 9:02 pm}

(Me and the girls woke up and decided to make breakfast for the guys. I asked them if it was ok if I invited Chris over? They said it was fine. So I called him.)

Chris: Hey babe

Ciana: Hey boo

Chris: What's up?

Ciana: Nothing, I was just wondering if you would like to come over for breakfast?

Chris: Yeah! That would be cool, I'll be over in an hour

Ciana: Alright, see you then.

{End of Conversation}

Ciana: Alright! He said he's coming

Meghan: I can't wait to meet him.

Alex: Me either!

Ciana: Alright let's get to cooking.

(We made Chocolate chip, strawberry, and blueberry pancakes. We also made French toast. We made bacon, sausage, and orange and apple juice. We called the boys down and their mouths dropped to the floor. Then, the doorbell rung, I opened it,and Chad was there.)

Ciana: Hey babe!

Chris:I miss you baby! *Picks Ciana up and spins her around*

Ciana: I miss you too. Now that you're here, let's eat!


(Princeton's POV)

(Why did Ciana invite him? I don't like him. Something sets me off about that guy, like he's hiding something. All of us were hanging out, then here comes Chad. I wonder what Ciana sees in him, it's not like he's God or something. I deserve Ciana! Not him. But, Ciana basically already hates me. She's made that perfectly clear, but she doesn't really know me yet. Maybe I can take her out, if she'll let me. But, I have to ask Ray if that's okay with him. I'm sure my bro will say yes.)

Prince: So, Chris, what brings you here?

Chris: Ciana invited me here.

Prince: Cool (POV: Why would she do that, I am never going to win her over with him around)

Chris: Yeah, I love my boo.

Ciana: And I love my baby.*Kisses him*

Meghan: You guys are so cute together!

Alex: Right? I think you guys will stay together for a long time!

Ciana: Well, thank you. And where are my manners?!!? Chris, this are my friends, Meghan and Alex.

Chris: It's very nice to meet you ladies.

Meghan&Alex: Likewise!

Ray: So, since Ciana is my baby sister, I need to ask you a couple of questions.

Ciana: Here we go!!

Chris: Shoot

Ray: Are you going to treat my sister right? Are you going to take care of her? Are you going to cheat on her? Do you plan to use her? And will you listen to her needs?

Chris: Yes, yes, definitely not, never in a million years, and I will always listen to her.

(This guy really is selling his love for Ciana. I don't like it. Will he just go away? I'm supposed to be with Ciana, not Chris. I hate him)

Ciana: Prince, are you okay?

Prince: What makes you think I'm not?

Ciana: You're as red as a tomato?

Prince: Oh, I'm just in deep thought

Chris: Well, that's some real deep thought.

Prince: Yeah.(Did anybody ask you? I don't want to hear your voice!)

Alex: Well, what do y'all want to do today?

Ciana: Maybe, we can go bowling?

All: That'd be cool

Ray: All right, let's go!

(We're all splitting up into two cars, Ray, Roc,Prod, and me in Rays' car and Ciana, Chris, Meghan, and Alex in Cianas' car. I'm excited to hang out with my friends, but I don't want Chris here. I can't wait to show Ciana that I'm the one for her.)


(Chris's POV)

(Ciana is looking mighty fine, and I love her but I need her friend Princeton or whatever his name is to chill and back off of my girl. Because for real doe, I will beat somebody up for my baby. Her brother sure is making me say some things. I mean, I love Ciana, but there are girls that I think are finer than her. But, like I said she looks fine. I could just... Wait! I got a girl that will give it to me, without having a brother down my neck asking if I'm going to take care of his sister. And the best part is, Ciana and her friends don't know anything about it, and I intend to keep it that way.)

Ciana: Babe? Come on, it's your bowl.

Chris: All right, I'm coming*Get's up and bowls a strike*

Ciana: Alright! Nice babe!

(We continued bowling and then we left to get some lunch. We drove to Wendy's. We all got chicken nuggets and french fries with sprite. When we finished eating lunch we headed back to the conjunction house. But, I then realized that I needed to go see someone.)

Chris: Babe, I gotta go.

Ciana: Ok, but promise that you'll text me later.

Chris: I promise, bye

Ciana: Bye.


What's up with Chris? We'll find out soon enough and the anger will set in.

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