Confused (Part 1)

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Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while , but I'm back and I'm ready and I hope you guys are too. Things are going to get interesting.

(Ciana's P.O.V.)

(I woke up this morning and decided to go shopping. While I was out shopping, I saw someone that looks like Chris and a girl with blue and orange hair. I saw them kiss each other and I walked up to them and realized that it was Chris. I can't believe that he would do this to me! He promised Ray Ray that he wouldn't cheat on me! I really can't believe)

Ciana: Chris! How could you do this to me?

Chris: Ciana? What are you doing here?

Girlwithbluehair: Chris? Who is this?

Ciana: No, who are you?

GWBH: I'm Monica, his girlfriend.

Ciana: I'm Ciana and I'm his girlfriend. Well,ex-girlfriend. I guess somebody has been around town and met some girls.

Monica: I guess so.

Ciana: Well, Chris, everything you've ever given me is getting burned. Don't ever call me again, delete my number, oh and I forgot this. (Pimp slaps him) That's for cheating on me. (Backhands him) And that's for making me believe that you were the right guy for me. *To Monica* He's all yours.

Monica: Oh, I don't want anything to do with him. (slaps him) Goodbye Chris! Don't ever even think about me again.


(At home, Ciana's P.O.V.)

(Tears are streaming down her face and she slams the door as she runs up to her room.)

( The Boys' P.O.V.)

Roc: What was that?

Ray: I think that was Ciana.

Prod: Well, somebody needs to go check on her, because she didn't sound so well.

Prince: Ray, you know her better than the rest of us and she's your sister. Go check on her.

Ray: You're right, I'll go check on her.


(Ray's P.O.V.)

(I went upstairs to check on Ciana. I really wonder what's going on with her and I hope it's something that I can fix.)

Ray: *Knocks on the door and goes in to see Ciana crying in her bed* Ciana? Is everything okay?

Ciana: Do I look okay?

Ray: Well not particularly.

Ciana: Does this look like the time for snarky remarks?

Ray: Well what happened?

Ciana: It's about Chris.

Ray : What did he do to you? Did he touch you? Ohhh. I'm gonna kill him!

Ciana: No, he cheated on me with another girl.

Ray: *Calms down* Oh, it's gonna be okay, lil sis.

Ciana: You're only five months older than me.

Ray: I'm still your big bro and I care about you, even if I don't act like it.

Ciana: I love you too. *Hugs him*

Ray: Could some tacos make up for this?

Ciana: And some cinnamon churros?

Ray: Of course! Now get out of bed and come downstairs with me.

Ciana: Fine. *Gets out of bed*

Prince: Ciana! Are you okay?

Ciana: I don't want to talk about it.

The Boys: Alright then .

Ciana: Come on Ray! Lets go make some tacos and cinnamon churros!!!! :)

Prince: Hold up... I'm the one that makes mexican food around here.

Ciana: Well, I really don't care. I'm eating what I want when I want and your not going to stop me. Now move,  unless you waant to get slapped. I still got some left in me from slapping my ex-boyfriend. Now, I'll say it one more time, move, now.!!

Prince: (Scared) Yes ma'am. I won't disrespect you again.

Ciana: Finally, I get some respect around here. You better recognize.

Ray: (Laughing) That's my little sister.

Ciana: Ain't no doubt.

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