Are You Okay?

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The Next Morning:

(Ciana's POV)

(I slept, barely could sleep, but I did sleep. I can't believe Ray. It's hard to believe him and i want to forgive and forget, but just not right now. I mean it's not like I don't love my brother. Not like that. But I love as if he was my very best friend and maybe he is. But, of course I'm still pissed at him. And of course I am kind of scared of forgiving him though. I know that he was trying to protect me, but I'm not a 13 year old that doesn't know her way around town. I have my own money, I know how to drive, I know everything that an 18 year old women should know. And I'm tired of this. I will forgive him but just not right now.)

Ciana:(walks to the kitchen and sees Ray)

Ray: Morning, lil sis!

Ciana: .....

Ray: Hello? Ciana?

Ciana: .....

Ray: Are you still mad at me?

Ciana: Are you an idiot?

Ray: Don't be like that. You know that I was trying to keep you out of harms way. I told you that.

Ciana: You know what, Ray? I'm tired of you treating me like I'm a 13 year old that doesn't even know her  way around the neighborhood. I love you, Ray, I really do. But, you just need to loosen up the reins. And just know that I'm definitely not a 13 year old.

Ray: Ciana, wait!

Ciana: What, Ray, what could you possibly want now.

Ray: Come on, Ciana. Please forgive your big bro?!!

Ciana: I'm working on it. Just leave me alone.

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