Could This Be Love?

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(Ciana's POV)

( Today is the day that I, Ciana Monae Lopez, go on a date with Jacob Anthony Perez. I really think that this could be it; which is surprising , because I didn't even like him at first. I can't wait to see how it goes. Our date is at 6:00, so I got a couple of hours. I could go  buy an outfit and accessories.)

Ciana: *calls Alex and Meghan*

Alex: Hello?

Ciana: Hey Alex, what're you doing?

Alex: Nothing, but I was gonna go to the mall and get an outfit for my date with Ray Ray.

Ciana: Oh, so was I . But, do you want to go together ?

Alex: That's fine, Meghan is over here and she was gonna go with me.

Ciana: Yay! We can all hang out while getting ready for our dates.

Alex: This is gonna be so much fun.

Meghan: Yes it will!

Ciana: Alright, I'm gonna go pick up Kiana and then come and get you guys.

Meghan: Alright, we'll be ready!


(At the mall)

Ciana: So, where should we go first ?

Kiana: How about wet seal?

Alex: Oh yes! I love that place.

Meghan: Alright, then let's go.

All *Run into wet seal*

Ciana: Look what I found! *Holds up a light blue cinderella high-low dress *

Alex: That's cute, what about this? *Holds up a black and white dress with a slit on the leg*

Meghan: Love it? Do you like mine? *Holds a red dress with a heart shaped chest*

Kiana: That is beautiful! How about this ? *Holds a light pink dress with a laced up chest*

All: Amazing.

Ciana: Alright, let's go check out.


Alex: What do you guys want to do now?

Kiana: Get something to eat.

Meghan: How about Taco Bell.

Ciana: Leggo!


Kiana: Hi could I get a Chicken Quesadilla with a sprite.

Meghan: And could I get a Steak Cantina Bowl with a pepsi.

Alex: And could I get a Chicken Burrito with a lemonade.

Ciana: And could I get a Steak Cantina Bowl as well with a fruit punch and sprite please.

Cashier: Yes, your total is $26.84

All: *Pay* Thank you!


(The conjunction house, 3:30)

(Prince's POV)

Prince: Alright, the girls should be here in 30 minutes to get ready

Ray: Ok, I hope they like where we take them.

Prod: I think they will. The place is amazing and it's one of best places in California.

Roc: True and we were able to get tickets to the place for cheap.

Prince: Yeah, this club is supposed to have to A-list celebrities, good food, drinks, and amazing music.

Ciana:  We're back!

Ray: Finally, I was about to make an amber alert

Meghan: Oh shut up.

Kiana: Yeah, we were gone for 3 hours, chill dude.

Alex: I'm torn between my friends and my date.

Ray: It's no big deal, girls are gonna be right no matter what anyone says.

Alex: True,because girls are the best.

Ciana:  Duh

Meghan: Ok, ok , we'll see you guys down here at 6:00 sharp.

Boys: Ok,see you then.


Meghan: Ok, it's 4:00, so we all will take showers and get dressed. Ciana will go first, then Alex, Kiana, and me.

Ciana: Let's do this thing!

Alex: You're so weird.

Ciana: Thank you, I appreciate that.

Kiana: No problem

All: *Took their showers and were getting dressed*

Ciana: Ok, I think that I'm gonna put on a light blue eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, mascara, and a clear lip gloss

Meghan: That's gonna look cute on you. What about your hair?

Ciana: I'm going to cornrow half of it and curl the other half.

Kiana: Work it, girl!!

Ciana: What are you guys gonna do? 

Alex: I'm gonna have black mascara, white eyeshadow and black lipstick. And my hair is going to be straightened half up, half down.

Meghan: That sounds really good. I'm going to do a red lipstick, black eyeshadow, black mascara, winged eyeliner, and a small heart on the side of my eye. my hair is going to be curled.

Kiana: I think that's going to be super cute. I'm having pink eyeshadow, black eyeliner, light pink lipstick and my hair is going to be curled at the ends.


(The girls have changed into their dresses and they are putting on their shoes, Ciana had on silver open toed laced wedges. Alex had white stilettos. Meghan had on black pumps, and Kiana had white peep toe ankle boots.)

(Ciana's POV)

(The girls and I walked downstairs and the boys looked at us like we were princesses. I felt like we were the prettiest girls in the world.)

Prince: Ciana, you look... incredible.

Ray: Alex!!! You look wow!

Prod: Kiana, I love the way you look!

Roc: Meghan, my girlfriend is beautiful.

Ciana: Thanks, Prince, that makes me feel beautiful.

Prince: No problem boo, you're my princess.

Alex: You look good too.

Ray: Not better than you.

Kiana: I like the way you dress too.

Prod: Thanks babe.

Meghan: Do you really think I look good?

Roc: Yeah, you look gorgeous.

Meghan: Well, thank you. 

Ciana: Alright, let's go!!

Roc: Whoop whoop!!


What will happen on the dates. Oohhh!! Cliffhanger! I love you guys and I'm also writing another book called the Crown Royal Project, so check it out , and tell you friends. Peace!

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