Are You Serious?(Part 2)

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(Ciana's POV)

(I can't believe that my brother, of all people would keep a secret from me. Especially one that involves me and is this big of a secret. We tell each other everything. I'm disapointed that I had to hear it from one of his "bros." I feel betrayed, or disapointed, or even like I don't know Ray anymore. I'm at the Hard Rock Cafe on Hollywood and Vine. Just to clear my mind and to get some lunch. I just want to get away from that stupid conjunction house with my stupid brother and his stupid "bros." )

Waiter: Hello, I'm Chad. I will be your waiter for today. How may I help you?

Ciana: Could I please have a Shirley Temple, with a club sandwich and fries.

Chad:Okay, I'll be right back with your order.

(That boy is fine. I hope that he asks for my number. If he does, my mind will definitely be cleared.)

Chad: Here you go, pretty lady.

Ciana: Thank you.

Chad: You're welcome. And miss?

Ciana: Yes?

Chad: May I have your number?

Ciana: Sure(Yess!!!) ( Writes down her number and hands it to him.)

Chad: Thank you and enjoy your meal.

Ciana: Thank you. And I certainly will.

(Ray's POV)

(We searched everywhere and couldn't find her. We stopped to get something to eat. We parked at the Hard Rock Cafe on Hollywood and Vine.When we got in there, I saw a girl that looked exactly like Ciana. Wait, it is Ciana!!)

Ray: Guys! Come on, I see Ciana

Prince: Where?

Ray: Over there. (points to the booth with Ciana in it.)

Roc: Okay lets go.( Walks to the booth.)

Ray: Ciana?

Ciana: Oh. It's you. I don't want to talk to you so just leave me alone.

Ray: You know I can't do that.

Ciana: Yes, yes you can. (Get's up) I know my way back to the conjuction house. Just leave me alone.

Ray: No. Let's go.(Grabs Ciana and takes ger to the car.)

Ciana: This is harassment. You can be arrested, you know?

Ray: Not when I'm trying to keep my sister out of harm's way.

Ciana: What harm? Talking to cute guys in a restaurant. Yeah, I'm in so much danger.

Ray: We're here. Now get in the house.

Ciana: I can't believe you. First, you keep a really big secret from me and then you drag me out of a restaurant in public? You're the worst!( Goes to her room and slams and locks the door.)

(My sister hates me. I can't believe this. It's the first day of her being here and already she wants to leave. Hopefully she feels better tomorrow.)

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