*****CHAPTER 5*****

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Soundtrack: Broken Open by Adam Lambert

****LIZZIE'S POV****

Just like the well mannered angel she is (Ha. Yea right.) Nicole walks in on Adam and I cuddling........NAKED.

Doesn't even knock, just barges in.

"NICOLE WHAT. THE. HELL?!?!" I yelled at her.

"OH MY GOD! I CAN NEVER UNSEE THIS HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!" She said while standing there like a deer in the headlights.

"LEAVE!!!!" I screamed.

She flew out the door and ran out the door.

"I am SO sorry Adam I didn't expect she would be home so early."

Gosh Lizzie you just ruined yet ANOTHER relationship! Hang your head in shame!

My demons were screaming to me. They just can't be controlled.


I looked over at Adam and he burst with hysterical fits of laughter.

"Hahaha oh my god that was hilarious!!!!! Hahaha oh my ra!" Adam said, nearly crying from laughing so hard.

"How was that funny?! That was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me! It's not funny!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just her face was like 'Thats hot but eeewwwww!!!! But hot... But ewww!' Robert is gonna love her."

I flew out of my bed and ran into the bathroom down the hall. Not one thought crossing my mind the way there. I slammed the door and locked it as fast as I could and went under the sink to find the one thing that has never let me down.

Ah. My blades. They've never failed me before.

No Lizzie! No! you've been clean for so long!....

But one cut won't hurt. Scars heal.

I drug the blade across my forearm in a cross-hatchet pattern until my arm was a bloody mess of cuts.

One cut, two cut, three cut, four. Before you know it, there'll be one more...

I chanted in my head. I cleaned the wound and then bandaged it up. Luckily, I always keep an extra long sleeves shirt in the bathroom.

*knock knock* "Lizzie are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

No reply.


Lizzie? Lizzie babe, please answer me!"

Still no reply.

"That's it! I'm breaking the door down!"

*smash!* the door fell down with a loud thud.

****ADAM'S POV****

I walked into the bathroom after breaking the door down to find Lizzie curled up in the corner of the bathroom hugging her knees. She was breathing really heavy and looked out of her right mind.

Panic attack maybe?

"Lizzie it's okay, it's just me. Please come back to me baby. I love you so much." I cooed into her ear.

After a few minutes of whispering sweet nothing's into her ear, she finally came back to me.

"Wh-what h-happened?" She choked out between sobs.

I could see bandaged on her arm that I was sure weren't there before. I also saw a razor blade with fresh blood on it a few feet away from her.

Oh no

That's not important now Adam!

"Baby, you had a panic attack and.... um.... how do I put this? ... you relapsed again."

"What? oh no! no! no! this can't be happening!"

She started uncontrollably sobbing again. It broke my heart to see her like this. She's the one I loved. Ever since I turned 18 I was sure that I was gay. But obviously not. When I'm with Lizzie,she makes me feel like no other. She's the ONLY girl I will ever fall for.

"I don't think any less of you love. You are perfect to me. Just please before you think about doing this again, come to me. Please?"

"I w-will. I love you so much Adam."

"I love you too. More than all of the worlds makeup combined. Come here."

I helped her up and we walked into the kitchen I went to the fridge and looked for some kale when I heard enormous amounts of laughter behind me.

"What's so funny there giggles?" I said while raising an eyebrow and popping my right hip out.

"In case you haven't noticed, Mr. Sassy Pants, you're still naked."

I glanced down and felt my cheeks flush a new color of red.

How stupid are you Adam?!!!

I spun around quick and went back to rummaging in the fridge when I felt a pair of short arms wrap around my frame.

"Don't be embarrassed baby. I'm not complaining. I would rather have you walk around naked all the time. Just not in public. Those dirty plastics wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of you. I think it's cute when you blush."

"Aw. Stop being so cute!" I said planting a delicate but sweet kiss right on her perfect lips while resting my arms on her hips.

I went to go put on clothes and then we watched some of our all time favorite movies.

Lizzie picked out Sinister (which scared the piss out of me but I didn't let it show) and GBF (Gay Best Friend) while I picked Velvet Gold Mine and then we watched Braking Bad on Netflix.

We both fell asleep on the couch wrapped up in each others arms.

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

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