****CHAPTER 6****

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After the episode I had a few nights ago, Nicole won't leave me alone. Gosh I love her but she is so overprotective.

I remember all throughout high school whenever one of us got a boyfriend we would always tell him "If you date one of us you're automatically dating the other". And my God isn't that true.

"We should do something today Sitter I'm bored". Nicole said.

"Yeah, but where do we go?"
"Let's go to the beach!" She said a little too exited.

"Alright let's get something to eat first and then maybe we can call up Adam and Robert." *winks*

"Would you knock it off with the winking, Lizzie? You look like you're spazzing out." Nicole said extremely sassily.

Diva crown activated.

While Nicole was in the shower I got my outfit picked out. A black skater skirt with a university of Maryland tank top (I gotta take some pride in where I come from, right?). I threw on my black glittery bikini underneath and a pair of DC high top shoes.

I added some leather bracelets (including my one with my first pony Sonny's show name on it, as always) and some cute feather earrings.

I pulled my blonde ombré hair into dutch braided low piggy tails and did my signature glam rock makeup. Silver into gray smoky eye with some glitter (of course) and winged eyeliner.

Nicole was wearing some girly outfit that I will never understand but oh well. She still looked Hollywood gorgeous. (you're welcome sitter)

We went to a little cafe on the boardwalk until Adam and Robert met us there.

The guys complimented us on our outfits multiple times and each time we looked at each other deviously. Oh, what we had in store for them.😏

All of us left the cafe and found an empty spot on the beach. Adam pitched the umbrella and Robert got the blankets out. Nicole and I stripped down into our bikinis along with the whistles from the guys. Ugh. Boys can be so immature.

Without another word, Nicole and I tore of towards the water.

Too bad I tripped over my own two feet and landed face first into the sand. I wasn't going to make a scene so I just rolled over on my back and started laughing hysterically. Nicole helped me up and I could hear the guys laughing at me from behind. I flipped them the bird and we kept hurdling towards the waves.

I've always been a beach bum. It's one of the very few things I actually shared with my dad. We didn't do anything else. Yet alone him acknowledging my existence.

Nicole brought her boogie board and I was towing her out to the sand bar.

I disappeared under the waves and snuck up on Nicole to flip her over just to get her pissed. She's hysterical when she's mad. But oh lord, is it funny!

Out of nowhere I felt a pair of freckled hands wrap around my waist from behind.


"Whatcha doing there Baby Boy?"

"Just came to see my girl. I see you like the ocean?" He said teasingly. Jerk.

"I guess I was just born in the water. Or in the saddle. Either one. But let's go have some fun."

We went closer to the shore where the waves were coming in and waited for a big one.

"On the count of three dive straight into the wave fam, kay? If you don't you'll be sucked under and then I'll have to file police reports for one of your dumbasses dying."

*everyone rolls eyes*

"One, two........... THREE!"

We dove under and surfaced. We then got bored and got out to dry off.

I set out my favorite Halestorm towel to lay on and went underneath the umbrella. Don't wanna get burned.

See, I don't sun tan. I'm either vampire white or lobster red. There is no in-between.

Adam laid next to me on my right and Robert laid next to Nicole who was on my left.

Adam used his finger to write 'I love you' in the sand, then tapped me.

"Awwwww. You are too sweet! I love you too."

He kissed me softly but sweet and heard gagging noises from Nicole.

"Oh grow up Nicole! It's not like you haven't done this with Robert!"

"Uhhhhhhhh....." Robert mumbled looking really awkward. I couldn't help but stifle out a laugh.

We laid in the shade for a little while and I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to a pair of wild green eyes inches from my face.

"Glad you woke up Love. Not much company to talk to." he said motioning to Nicole and Robert who fell asleep in each other's arms.

So cute.

"Haha well as you said I'm here for your entertainment."

"You are so hot when you quote my songs. You know that, right?" He said, growling.

I felt my cheeks turn a bright red.

How embarrassing.

*****ADAM'S POV*****
Just laying in the sand watching Lizzie stare out into the ocean made me think.

I don't know how I stumbled across her but I'm sure as hell glad I did. Gosh, I love her. She's not like most of the girls here in LA who want to be famous. Or use people for their money. She's real. True to herself. Everything about her is perfect. Her hair, her adorable shortness, and even the dimples she has when she smiles. The way she carries herself.

I slowly reached for her hand and intertwined our fingers together. She looked at our hands and then up to me and smiled. Oh that smile. The smile that makes my knees grow weak.

She scooted onto my lap and kissed me ever so passionately. I let my hands fall on her hair, gently caressing the back of her neck. We kissed for a while until she whispered "Let's go get clean, adorable."

We woke the other two up and packed all of our things up.

We cleaned all of the sand off ourselves at one of those boardwalk shower thingies before we all piled into my car.

Nicole wanted to stay with Robert so we dropped them off at his house, after I heard Lizzie whisper "You get pregnant and I'm crawling up inside you and killing that thing myself." to Nicole.

I pulled into my driveway and into the garage. A nice little forest getaway. That's one way Lizzie likes to describe my house.

I unlocked the door and we went up to my room. Lizzie went straight into my shower, alone, until I decided to join her. (Nothing dirty, maybe a few kisses here and there, but nothing else)

We got out and Lizzie took a pair of my track pants and my leopard print t-shirt. She can definitely pull it off, that's for sure.

We climbed into my bed and passed out immediately in each other's arms. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

A/N; hey guys! What did you think about this chapter? Do you want more like these? Comment what you think! Don't be shy!
xKeep The Glamx

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