36. Him and My Starvation

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War Wan

How long has it been since I have gotten myself lost while starring at those eyes that seemed to be pulling me in to them? They were fierce and burning with such powerful emotion that one wouln't want to look away. Yin glared down at me looking so angry and dominating.

The muscle inside my chest started to pump blood real fast. I had forgotten about this feeling and I thought I would never feel like this ever again. I suddenly forget how to breath. It was unnerving. I'm not supposed to feel this way towards this person anymore.

I hated him, didn't I?

"Do you hear me Ai War? Mock at me as much as you want! Go on, you can spit on my face! But stop being such an asshole to your mother! It's not cute anymore!"

He yanked at my arm even harder pulling me closer to his body. There's just a few inches left before our faces can touch.

Damn! I forgot how handsome he is. There is also something about him that makes me think he'd gotten a little mature, a little older. His boyish aura was no longer there. But it hasn't been a year since our last meeting and he hasn't even celebrated his birthday yet. He glared down at me more like a man rather than a 20 year-old-kid I used to know.

"Ugh. Let go of me." Shit! Why do I sound like a little helpless mouse? I tried to pull my arms away but he tightened his grip and even slip his other hand around my waist, pulling me closer that our bodies grazed.

"Heh. Are you really being bratty and rebellious? Or there's something else?" He was smirking as he lowered his face even closer to mine.

"Wha...what do you mean by that?"

"Hmmm...Are you perhaps being jealous?" He answered showing me his white and perfect teeth.

"Are...are...are you crazy!" Why would I get jealous? Of whom? My own mother? That's twisted!

He chuckled softly and smiled at me. This time it's a smile so genuine and soft that my heart started melting all at once. 

"That's right. I'm crazy. I'm crazy that I would cross between two time dimensions just to be with you." He whispered looking tenderly at my eyes. It left me speechless. The thumping inside my chest starts to get real annoying. For a second I though I heard something else. He loosen the grip on my arm and placed my hand above his own chest.

"Can you feel that War? My heart is beating madly. It does that because I am this close to you. It can only get crazy when it is you. Do you know why?" My hand above his chest trembled with the vibration brought by his heart beating. His voice sounded so throaty but all soothing to my ears. It's madly exhilirating!

"You..." I am totally lost for words. He move our bodies even closer, our foreheads almost touching.

"Because this heart of mine only belongs to you. It has always been and will always be...yours alone." I stopped breathing. Internally I was screaming,  "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Stop!" Right there and then I know I am in deep trouble. I can't be falling all over again with this guy's cheesy lines. No! Please. Ugh.

"You are crazy!" I hissed at him, his amused laughter followed.

"You're face had gotten so red. Are you shy War?" The nerve of this kid calling my nane and losing the formalaties. What happens with calling me War sensei? He thinks he's older? Yes, he's gotten more manly but still. He can't just casually calls me War. Maybe if we're lovers...he can.

What am I even thinking?

"Move it." I said after a inhaling a reasonable amount of air for my nerves. He doesn't badge, he only tilted his head on the side, staring at every corner of my face.

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