Paciencia y fe

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This is a little one shot i wrote after 5x05 R.i.p. Dean we'll miss you ! 

It was Andy's first day back at work a week after Dean's death. A lot had happend in the meanwhile. She stayed at Ben an Baileys for a few days to make sure Pru got settled in and after that she left to go to the houseboat. She had nowhere else to stay yet. It felt so unnatural being there without Dean and Pru. Andy felt so alone and wanted to take her mind off everything that happend. She tried everything, drink a little too much, watch reality tv, eat comfort foods, even tried meditation but nothing seemed to help. The only thing that could settle her mind was being able to get back to work but Chief Mcallister gave them all a week off to process their grief. The last thing that always calmed her down was to snuggle or hug the person she loved the most. They weren't talking right now so that wasn't happening. She spent most off her time off either at the hospital with Vic, at Ben and Baileys and at home struggling to settle her mind.  

Andy felt so ready to go back to work again but was she really ready? walking  into the station she was happy to focus on work. While walking in she saw a picture of Dean even though he wasn't part of station 23 they all had become close with him and felt that it would be appropriate to have a picture in his memory. She felt the emotion build up and quickly walked to her locker and changed into her uniform. Only minutes after the alarm went off 'All units respond building on fire'. She ran to the engine and left to go to the scene. 'Andy are you okay?' Theo asked making sure she was ready to dive back into work.  'Just glad to be back at work.' She looked out off the window avoiding eye contact knowing Theo would see right through her. To be honest she felt like she could break down any second but hoped that working would help her focus on something else and not the loses she had faced.  

They arrived at scene Theo was interim captain this shift. 'Maddox, Probie, Herrera and Barnes search and rescue. There is still a family inside and the fire is spreading quickly. Keep your lines open, stay in pairs and work fast.' Listening to their captain they all went inside Maddox and Barnes took the first floor while Probie and Andy went upstairs. The fire was spreading so quickly it already was hard to see through the smoke. 'Seattle Fire can anyone hear me?' Andy called out multiple times but got no response. They kept working from room to room but still no response. 'Seattle fire please call out if you can hear me!' Probie called out while opening a door. She heard some noises coming out off the room. It was a childrens room and she found one woman laying on the ground face down probably fainted by smoke inhalation after trying to get to her child who still looked like she was sleeping in bed. 'Herrera i need your help in here' This has been the worst house fire she worked in as a probie and she froze. Andy started examening them both the woman had no pulse and the child a very weak one they needed to work fast. 'Okay you take the child i got the woman get out off here as fast as you can.' Andy told her.  

In the meanwhile outside Theo was doing crowd control. He found out that there was a couple living there with a 3 year old child. 'Herrera what's your status?' Theo asked 'Heading out now with a child and adult in desperate need of medical attention. Parent has no pulse and full thickness burns child barely has a pulse i need paramedics on stand by.' Andy answered while heading outside the house as fast as she could. Knowing by now that it was probably too late to save them but she had to keep trying she couldn't loose people. Not on her first day back. They had to make it. She made it out with the woman in her arms and immediatly paramedics started working on her and the child. Andy was catching her breath and saw Theo running towards her 'There is still another person in there i need you to check it out Maddox told me that no one was downstairs so probably on the floor you just were. '  Theo ordered  'Yes cap , Probie you heard him let's go!' She began running towards the house once again and soon found the master bedroom with someone still asleep or unconsious she didn't know. 'Probe i need a little help here' They got him and Andy radioed 'Male mid 30's with smoke inhalation and some burns need oxygen and paramedics on standby'.  'Copy Herrera' Theo answered her. A minute later they ran out of the building with the last victim. 

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