It'll be okay

987 40 14

TW// Sexual assault and manslaughter mention
How i hope season 5 ends. Okay we all know that won't happen :/
This is a short oneshot but hey at least i'm getting back to my writing again it's been a while.

'If the defendant will please stand.' The judge said in a cold voice. This is it Andy thought playing nervously with the button of her blazer before closing it while standing up followed by her attorney. After what felt like forever standing there in silence the judge continued. 'State of Washington against miss Andrea Herrera as to the charge of manslaughter in the first degree we find the defendant Andrea Herrera not guilty. You are no longer under any conditions in this court. You are free to leave.' Andy let out the breath she didn't know she was holding and froze. It truly is over now. she dreamed about those words and they finally became the verdict. Not guilty. Deep down she always knew she wasn't guilty of manslaughter but instead was a victim of sexual assault and defended herself in that moment. Robert helped her realize that the morning after the assault. During the whole process she kept reminding herself of that conversation. She wasn't the bad guy. Jeremy was.

The media had other thoughts on the so called 'killing firefighter of Seattle' Trying to ignore the articles they kept popping up on her phone and she ended up reading a few. Most articles she scrolled through were about how she as a firegfighter should've known better than to hit the guy in his throat or made it seem like Andy asked to be assaulted by the clothes she wore or the one that angered her the most was an article about a firefighters love story gone wrong. That article changed the whole story made it seem as if it was premeditated murder. Those inhumane articles and many courtvisits made her question everything. still zoned out she stared towards the judge seeing his lips move but not listening to a word he said.

Not guilty she kept repeating those words in her head. Finally realizing it's all over and it'll be okay. This was the first step off letting go. The first step back to her 'normal' life as far as that was still possible. Everything After the verdict felt like she was dreaming until she felt the hand of her lawyer on her shoulder. 'Andy you're free to go. It's finally over.' her lawyer smiled towards her. Not knowing what to do with the sudden burst of emotion she took her lawyer into a hug. They had become close these last months and if she had met her somewhere else Andy was sure they'd become friends. 'Thank you' she whispered.

The judge had left the courtroom quick after the verdict. There she was with her attorney and tons of journalists ready to get the updates on the killing firefighter of Seattle into the media. She scanned through the room finally finding the kind smile she was looking for. 'Robert' she whispered holding back her tears. 'Andy did you say something?' Her lawyer looked up from packing her bag. 'Hmm? No i'm sorry.' He truly took off a day to be there for her. These last few months he has been her rock in her journey of hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Robert even drove her to therapy a few times making sure she wouldn't back out, slept on her couch the first nights after he paid her bail so she wouldn't be alone. She smiled slightly holding his gaze for a few seconds before getting interupted by her lawyer. 'So are you ready to get out of here?' looking back to the judges bench one more time 'I was born ready' Finally after way too many visits to the courthouse she would be leaving with a verdict this time.

After talking a bit with her lawyer Andy made it out off the courthouse. Robert was standing there on top of the stairs waiting for her. She couldn't help herself but ran into his arms crying. not sure if it was relief or happiness but she finally got herself to let go of all the stress from these last couple of months. Robert held her close with one hand in her hair he whispered in her ear 'See i told you it would be okay.' They stood there holding each other for a few minutes before Andy took a step back out of his arms. 'Can you pinch me? I have a feeling i'm still dreaming and this didn't really happen and i will wake up frustrated once again that my mind once again is playing tricks on me.' Robert started laughing after all these months he was glad Andy started to act more like herself again. Not sure if it was the therapy or the time she had off from work that got her to focus on herself but whatever it was he was glad. Still laughing he pinched her arm. 'AUCH! Robert i was joking you should've known that by now.' She hit him lightly before staring towards each other in an comfortable silence.

'Robert i wanted to thank you.' Andy found his gaze. 'For what?' He asked confused. 'Everything!' she took a deep breath and sat down on the stairs. 'Thank you for being here not just today but the last couple of months. Thank you for knowing what i needed when i didn't know it myself. Thank you for being by my side for all of it.' Robert nodded for her to continue while he sat down next to her with their legs touching slightlly. 'For staying over the first few nights and helping me to go to therapy and realize i acted out of adrenaline to survive and that i wasn't the bad guy.' She leaned her head on his shoulder and whispered. 'And thank you for not judging me.' 'Judging you? for what?' 'For meeting and flirting with the wrong guy, wearing the wrong clothes. i've read these articles about me. They all blame me for dressing a certain way, leading a guy on and...' she mumbled. 'Andy this wasn't on you and i will keep repeating that until you realize that. If you decided to walk into a bar in your sexiest clothes it still is about consent. What you wear shouldn't make a difference. This wasn't on you this was a guy going over your boundries and you acted to protect yourself. I see it, the jury sees it that way and i hope you'll finally see this yourself too.'

Robert felt his shirt getting wet at the spot where Andy's head was resting. Slowly he moved to take a look at the woman he still loves more than words can describe. She looked down to her hands while tears kept falling not caring that she was crying in public on the stairs of a busy courthouse. Robert moved his hand to her chin. feeling his touch she looked up to him. Tears streaming down her face. 'I'm sorry' She whispered. 'Don't be' he started wiping the tears from her cheeks and couldn't help to look at her lips but soon gazes back to her eyes knowing this isn't about him but about her letting out whatever she is feeling at this moment. Andy managed to stop crying and gave him a watery smile. 'We did it' His heart melted hearing her say 'we'. Not knowing how to respond Robert took Andy into a hug. After all these years he was sitting here holding the love of his life. Through this tough time they found the love they had or well have for each other back.

'What am i supposed to do now?' Andy mumbled into his chest. 'Now we go to lunch and you're buying' Robert grinned standing up holding out his hand towards Andy. 'What do you say? Should we see where this new beginning will lead to?' She quickly grabbed his hand and stood up. 'Have i told you i love you?' Andy gazed at him while her hands find his biceps and squeeze them slightly getting afraid of his response. 'Not lately no' with a small smirk covering his face 'but i know you do.'

'Andy each day i find myself more in love with the woman standing in front of me. This year has been hell and us divorcing might have ended up being a good thing. I learned a lot about myself and so did you. I'm so proud you started therapy and focussed on yourself.' He moved the little strand of hair back behind her ear. 'That hasn't been easy for you especially realizing that your mom went through the same thing and her coming back into your life again. I hope you knew and know i'm only one phone call away.' Andy started tearing up again. They have been through more than most couples can imagine these years. 'And Andy i love you too' For the first time in over a year he saw a real smile from Andy again. the one he used to see when he brought her a smoothie or breakfast in bed. Could this be the start of something old yet new? Her hands found the back of his neck and held him tightly making sure she wasn't dreaming while moving closer. She felt the nerves swirl around in her tummy holding his gaze. 'Is this really happening?' she whispered against his lips. He took her into a slow emotional kiss. suddenly very aware of their surrounding the kiss ended faster than both of them would've wanted. foreheads still touching he whispered 'I already like this new beginning.' She gave him a quick peck and used both of her hands to grab his. 'I guess i promised to take you out to lunch where do you want to go?' 'Surprise me!'

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