i need you to man up

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hi loves i'm back again with a little contribution for the #surreracountdown.
25 days to go! 

"Hey babe, please tell me you're resting?" Robert answered Andy's call not realizing how much his life would change in the next few hours "Robert it's time" Andy grunted  feeling another contraction coming "Get over here!" Robert was still at shift this can't be happening now. He started panicking. "Andy are you sure?" he asked worried. she isnt due for a few weeks this can't be happening. Not now, not when he isnt with her.  "ROBERT take the aid car and get your ass over here.  I know damn well i don't pee my pants at 34. Ask that puddle underneath me if i'm lying." She started yelling slightly out of breath "Get over here or i won't put you on the birth certificate i mean it" Andy felt another contraction hit and ended the call. 

"WARREN AID CAR NOW!"  Robert screamed through the station while running to the aid car. It's happening its truly happening. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. worried for Andy but excited to meet their little miracle. "Robert are you okay whats going on?" Ben walked towards him "Warren get in! we need to go now! Andy is in labour and i damn well need to be there in time okay" Ben got into the aid car and tried to calm the soon to be father down."Robert it's her first child, it won't go that fast." Robert was fidgeting with his leg and looked at Ben with a stern look on his face "What don't you get by i need to be with my wife? Now drive! Or get out."

"Andy Andy!?" Robert ran as quickly as he could into their house where he found her hovering over the couch gripping the arms rest trying to hold herself steady while the contractions hit.  "I'm here, we're here" Robert exclaimed "What took you so long?" Andy asked frustrated . "Babe, how long have you had contractions" trying to catch her breath between contractions she answered "Since i woke up from my nap, but it got worse half an hour ago" "you've been having contractions for over 2 hours and didnt tell me?" He couldnt believe it. She was here all alone for 2 hours. "I told you now didn't i. I didnt wanna call you at work when it could have been a false alarm." She took a deep breath before continuing "clearly it's not, now are you gonna stand there looking at me like a lost puppy or get me to the hospital?" "Right right." He grabbed the baby bag that had been standing in their pantry for weeks and helped his wife up. "Robert if you drop me" She leaned on him while taking small steps. "How about you stop talking and let me take care of you?" Andy grunted in response and let her husband help her into the aid car. "Happy baby delivery day parents to be" Ben said excited to be a part of their journey.

Robert was sitting next to Andy holding her hand while she was trying to continue with her breathing excercizes. Robert felt powerless seeing his wife in so much pain and kept whispering the same sentence over and over to her. "Focus on me, breathe along with me. Ben is driving as fast as he can so you both will be safe and well"

Not even 5 minutes later he was pulled out of his thoughts. By Andy "Pull over i feel like it's time!" Andy squeezed his hand as hard as she could  "We have 10 more minutes left on our way to the hospital go are you sure?" Ben asked  "I don't have 10 more minutes" another contraction hit "Andy try to relax we are almost there" Robert whispered "I really think she's coming" Not being able to hold her cries in anymore.  "Now?" she nodded "yes Robert now! you'll have to do this!" Robert started panicking and yelled towards Ben "Ben! Pull over and help my wife!"

Ben pulled over and started walking towards Andy. "Andy i need to check how far along you are." He grabbed some medical gloves and put them on.
"No Robert! You do it." She knew damn well Ben wouldnt mind but the idea of her coworker sticking his hand up her wasnt something she wanted to remember. "What why?" Robert continued panicking "No offense but i don't want Ben to see me like this." Ben moved away and looked at Robert "He's the doctor" he started pacing overthinking everything that could go wrong  "Robert, i need you to man up! Listen to your wife. If she is more comfortable with you checking her do it. Stop fidgeting and get it together. You've helped deliver babies before. I need you to focus and check how far along your wife is." Robert nodded "Please tell me i'm ready to push i feel like i need to push." Robert tried to check Andy but wasnt concentrated enough. He gave an unsure look to Ben "Robert what is it?" Andy started to get worried. "Love i'm Just stressed and not sure how far along you are now will you just let him check you so I know you’re okay and then you can push, what if someting is wrong and i told you to push" Robert vented and sat down next to her in the exact same position as before. "Something wrong!!?" Andy started freaking out "Not that I know of but let the damn doctor check!" "Fine" Andy grunted.

Ben nodded after checking Andy. "You're right your baby is stubborn like her parents and doesnt want to wait till we get to the hospital. Andy with your next contractions i need you to push as much as you can." She nodded and grabbed Roberts hand "Oh thank God" the next contractions went by in a flash and before she knew it her daughter was laid on her chest crying.

"You did it, you really did it my love" Robert looked at his girls with so much love smiling brightly at Andy who caught his gaze. They both teared up by the mixture of relief and love. She was finally here. He gave both of his girls a  a kiss on their forehead as he whispered. "She is so beautifull. I'm the luckiest man alive" Andy pulled Robert closer as her lips found his. She poured all the love she felt into those few seconds. "We're the lucky ones with you by our side"

There was something magical about the afterglow of childbirth. A new family is formed right in front of your eyes. The excitement, peace and love you see on the parents face hits different when two of your closest friends had this moment in front of you. Ben wiped a tear away looking at his friends. "I hate to disturb this moment but we really should get you both checked out in the hospital" "see little one uncle Ben is already looking out for you" Andy said in the sweetest calmest voice they've ever heard of her. "Babe, i think she wants some quality time with you while we drive to the hospital" Andy handed their baby to Robert who looked so smitten to the tiny baby in his arms.

During Andy's pregnancy he read all the pregnancy books he could find. Worried of screwing things up. But sitting here, with their baby in his arms every textbook could be damned. They would be okay and she would be so loved by both of them. Andy took a quick picture of father and daughters first quality time while Robert was playing with the tiny hand of his daughter and kept gazing to them after. This wasnt the labour they had planned but it was perfect cause they are here, healthy and together.

They arrived to the hospital and after a few checkups Ben walked in as Andy was trying to feed her little baby cuddled up to her husband in the tiny hospital bed. Andy looked up hearing the door open and smiled "I can't believe you two are really parents now. It suits you." Ben had the biggest smile on his face "Thanks for everything Ben" Robert said to his friend "my pleasure, i'm heading back to the station if there isnt anything else i can do for you"  "we're good. Hey Ben can you wait a few hours before you tell the team. We want to spent some time alone with our little one first before we get visitors." Andy said "I will. If there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask" he looked back to his friends once more and left them alone.

"I just can't believe how pretty she is" Andy's head found it's way to Roberts chest as they both looked at their little love. "She looks just like you" when he didnt get a response he looked at his wife who seemed to have dozed off. He gently brushed away the stray hairs on her face behind her ear and gave her a kiss on her cheek before focussing on his daughter.

"I guess it's you and me now little one. We need to be very quiet before we wake up mommy. You want to know a little secret i've never been happier than right here, right now. With you  and your mummy in my arms in this tiny hospital bed. Now we just need to come up with a perfect name for you and we can all go home and start our lives together. Just you, me and Mummy"

This was it, his dream finally became reality.

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