Let me worship you

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Finally this never ending shift was over. Andy got into her car and let out a sigh. The last call got to her. It was an appartement fire but they weren't able to save them all. She hated that feeling. The feeling of guilt for not being able to save them all although they did everything they could.

She picked up her phone and saw a missed call from Robert and touched the dial button to call him back. A few seconds later she heard a tired but calming "hi babe" coming from her husband on the other side of the line.
She let out a deep breath before responding with a small "hi" "Andy what is it?" He asked concerned. "It's nothing." She lied "Babe tell me" "Fine.. it's the last call. It's gotten to me. The victims i couldnt safe. The ones that lost their spouse, parent, friend or even kid. Robert there were kids that didnt make it. All i want to do is cuddle up to you with a box of cereal and some shitty tv show but you still have that meeting." Robert wanted nothing more than get up and rush home to be with his wife. But ever since he became battalion chief again he had a lot more paperwork and meetings that sometimes he had to work overtime for. "Andy i'm sorry. I heard about it. It was a hard call but Andy you did everything you could you saved many lives focus on that. Focus on the lives saved not the lives lost. You made a difference today and everyday. Try to relax. I promise i'll be home as soon as possible. I don't think this meeting will take long maybe an hour or two." She heard someone mumbling 'Sullivan we're ready for you' in the background. "I have to go i'm sorry. Drive home safely I love you." Robert told her in his soft only reserved for his wife voice. "I love you too" Andy ended the call and drove home.

She opens the door and gets welcomed by the familiar smell of their home. She starts to feel a bit calmer already. Andy hangs up her jacket and takes of her shoes before entering the kitchen. Deciding to try and chop her feeling away while prepping the veggies for dinner. It didnt help calm her nerves more. She hated that feeling. Shifts like that. Soot, smoke, sweat, smell of death. Andy shook her head trying to get rid of the images from the call out of her head. "Shower. I need a shower" she said to herself. To be honest the only thing that would've made her feel calm and settle down was her husband. That man could stop all her thoughts with one kiss or the feeling of his hands moving on her lower back, through her hair, he could just hold her, and she would feel better, safe even. But Robert wasn't here. "This debriefing sucks" she cursed under her breath while turning on the hot water.

She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the sensations. Streams of water running down her face, neck and shoulders, the hot water relaxed her body, but it was not enough. Andy bit her lower lip and ran her hand over her body, through her hair. Still she has her eyes closed and imagined it was his hand carressing her. "Well, sometimes a girl just needs take everything in her own hands" she thought. Andy grabbed the shower head and slowly put it down making sure it hits her at the right spot of her clit. She moaned softly feeling the welcome relief and kept touching herself with her other hand. Finally. The thoughts of this tough call were being replaced by flashbacks of last night. It was his not her hands running over her body, it was him playing with her clit. Andy zoned out in pleasure, her moans were getting louder, she felt her release coming slowly.

In the meantime Robert got home and hears the shower. He walks upstairs and opens the door. The sight in front of him was one thing he never expected to find especially not today. Robert pinches himself while shaking his head thinking this is all his fatigue playing tricks on him. He must be dreaming. Robert stood there watching his wife who was pleasuring herself. Her eyes were closed while holding the showerhead with one hand, she leaned against the wall of their bathroom. With her other hand she was pushing on her lower stomach like he always does. Her hand travelled towards her boobs and finally her neck. Andy had a little satisfied smirk on her face while speeding up her movements whimpering a bit letting out small moans.

"Jesus Andy" Robert whispered. His body seemed to have forgotten that he wasnt a virgin and teenager anymore. The sight of his wife made him react like he never saw a naked women. His pants tightened while his hard one was seeking for release at the sight of his stunning wife.

Andy lets out a loud moan while pushing herself over the edge, she tried to grab the wall but ended up moving her hips uncontrollabely. With a satisfied grin she slowed down her movements and opened her eyes finding her husband gazing towards her with eyes filled with lust, surprise and adoration. "Enjoying the show chief Sullivan?"

He looked so handsome, since he got his job as battalion chief back he looked more confident in some way and usually had to wear some type of suit. There he was standing barefoot in a white button up and black fitted pants. She couldn't help herself while she started to slowly walk towards him and finally jumped into his arms. Not thinking about his clothes getting wet she took him into a passionate kiss. 'Fack Andy you're gorgeous' He grunts and immediately responds to his wife and her need to feel him.

The shower was still running so Robert walked over with her in his arms to turn it off. Andy had other plans and got herself out of his arms and pushed him underneath the shower eyeing him down. His abs shined through his soaked white shirt "Isn't it my job to get you wet? Not the other way around?" He started laughing earning a look from his wife "in case you haven't noticed" Andy gave him a chaste kiss before continuing "i can take care of that by myself" she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down meeting her halfway. Andy kissed him slowly. In his opinion too slow. His hands circled her waist pulling her closer while her hands moved from his chest to his face ending with her fingers on his chin pushing him back slightly. She bit his lip before letting go. Andy looked down between them and licked her lips seeing the effect this teasing had on him. She started to leave soft bites and kisses from his jaw to his neck and chest while opening the buttons of his shirt. Andy took her time exploring his body like she has done what felt like a million times before. Roberts let out a breathy moan feeling her hands getting closer to where they belonged. Andy left little bites just above his belt while loosening it slowly. Soon she threw it away to the other side of the bathroom reminding them both of their first kiss. Before slowly standing up again finding his gaze while unbuttoning his pants. "Enough" he couldn't handle himself any longer and pushed her against the cold shower wall and took her into a passionate kiss. It was a mix of need, lust, love and urgency that overwhelmed them. Normally they would have a bit off small talk but this time they decided to let their body do the talking.

Robert stripped down the last piece of clothing he had on. Andy's hands immediately found him and started stroking him slowly. She jumped into his arms for the second time tonight and got a hold on the shower rail with one of her hands while inserting his hard one with the other. They both let out a moan while she started to move. Robert turned off the shower and grunted "Andy stop." Earning a confused look from his wife "I promised i'd take care of you and i'll use my tongue, teeth and fingers to keep my word.' He whispered in her ear giving her small kisses just below her ear prolonging every word. Andy smirked at him with flushed cheeks trying pull him closer. 'Not here i want to worship you.' .

Do y'all want me to continue with a part 2?

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