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"So what are we going to do on the beach?" I asked Mo while focusing on the road. "Hm, we can walk and talk, I mean that's only if you would want to." She said looking at me. "Of course! Long as I get to spend time with my Monique" I looked at her and she started blushing, she turned her head fast and looked out the window. I just smiled at myself, Mo feeling me and she know that, but she can play hard to get because I like that. I put on "Blessing by K Camp" I started singing it not paying Mo any attention. *You ain't got to cry no more, you ain't got you cry no more I ain't telling you I'm perfect but for you I'll go to war, So Let me know now, tell me how you feel Cause whatever you don't do, another women will, But don't get me wrong, don't think I'm forcing you, no You know how it go we can take shit slow* suddenly my music stops. "What the hell -" she cut me off. "Nigga why the fuck you didn't tell me you could sing!" She said nearly screaming. I chuckled a bit. "Girl, just chill. I can do a little something." I licked my lips and stared at her. "Now can I proceed or nah?" I started back playing my music. 20 minutes later we arrived at the beach, I parked my car in the front. It wasn't to crowded it was just right. Me and Mo got out and walked towards the beach. "It's so beautiful out here." Mo said to me, "I know right. Do you mind me holding your hand?" I asked her because she be acting. "Hell yeah I mind, you know I don't like you like that." She snapped. "Gimme your damn hand girl!" I grabbed her hand, we both laughed,we continued to walk along the beach. My Jordan's was getting sand all in it. But fuck it, I'll buy some more. "So mo, what you want to talk about? Look like something's on your mind." I asked her, "Actually, there is a lot on my mind. My mom left a note stating that she would not be here for my graduation, and plus you know my dad moved to Cali for his job, so it's just me at the crib. Jay and Liam back together. I don't like that shit at all. But it is what it is I guess." She told me sounding sad. "Damn Mo, you need me to kick it with you? I mean I will shawty. Jay and Liam, I don't like the idea of honestly. Something is going on with them, did you not see how they was acting?" I questioned her.
All of a sudden my phone started ringing. Mo looked at me like, are you going to answer that? I looked at my caller ID and it was Nicole mom. "Hello?" I answered. "AMIR! Have you heard from Nicole!? I haven't heard from her since Thursday!" I could hear her crying. "No ma'am, I haven't." I was being honest as possible. "She's missing, we don't know where she's at, she left her phone and everything. This is not like her." She started crying even more. I guess Mo heard our conversation, she looked up at me quick. I put the phone on my lap. "Could that be Nicole body at school?" I looked at Mo with a blank face expression, I didn't know how to feel.

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