Chapter Four

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"You ain't gon be tired from running like that, Beau?" Gunnar yelled as he walked into the football field

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"You ain't gon be tired from running like that, Beau?" Gunnar yelled as he walked into the football field.

Beau chuckled at Gunnar's grand entrance and slowed his jog. "You know I gotta be ready for the boys," He hollered back at his friend and finished his final round.

Once he finished, Beau sat next to Gunnar on the bench and drank some of his water.

"Good Lord, that run was extra special today." Beau sighed and smacked his thigh.

He was dog-tired.

Gunnar chortled and shoved Beau's shoulder.

Beau rolled his eyes and shoved him back. "You cut that out before I make you a example for those boys," He threatened his friend, who wasn't bothered at all by his words.

"You always tryna look good. Ain't no ladies here you can impress unless you tryna get one of them moms," Gunnar wiggled his brows and smacked Beau's shoulder.

Beau side-eyed Gunnar and shook his head in disgust. He had nothing against the mothers, they just weren't his type in the slightest.

He barely even had a type, but those women were far from it.

And then there was Honeydew.

She embodied his almost nonexistent type to the fullest.

The woman was gorgeous and had the most infectious smile.

"You smiling like a man in love," Gunnar commented, sending an elbow to Beau's side.

Beau grabbed Gunnar's arm and twisted it behind his back, earning a groan in pain. "Why are you staring at me?"

He didn't need Gunnar asking any questions about Honeydew.

Gunnar chuckled and kicked Beau. "Now look here, ya smarty, I was tryna get you to just admit it, but your parents already said something," Gunnar sang mischievously.

Beau dropped Gunnar's arm and sighed.

"Dang-it." He wasn't pissed. He was annoyed.

He didn't know anything about Honeydew, but his parents had already run their mouths about her to Gunnar.

Gunnar placed his hand on Beau's shoulder and squeezed it gently. "It gets worse," He said cautiously. "Don't go yelling at your folks, but they ain't just told me. The girl, a real sweet little woman, I like her. She's bout as cute as a button. I ain't met a sweetheart like her in years," He raved happily.

Beau liked hearing Gunnar so happy, but he needed to know the extra stuff.

"Anyway, we met her yesterday. Your folks like her so much that your mama told her about your attraction. She ain't look uncomfortable, but she knows." Gunnar finished and stared at Beau, waiting for his reaction.

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