Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning gave Honeydew a reality check

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The next morning gave Honeydew a reality check.

She was afraid to go out.

It wasn't like she actually heard someone talking about her. The truth was that Honeydew never cared about what people thought of her, but things were different with the town being so close-knit.

Now she was reading about different people God called to take a stand.

Gideon was afraid. Gideon was called to be a brave and mighty man of God. And he believed and obeyed God through death threats.

Jeremiah was only seventeen. God called him and used him for His purpose.

Ruth went to lie at the feet of a man she barely knew for the sake of her mother-in-law. And God redeemed her past, present, and future.

"They didn't have the references that I do of God's goodness throughout time." She murmured. "I can do this,"

The Word comforted her and urged her to live without fearing man.

God was bigger than a rumor that wasn't true.

She couldn't stop living because of a lie.


It was truth and fact that the Lord was her strength, and He would carry her through all that life had to offer.

Honeydew closed her laptop with renewed confidence and picked up her phone.

"The reliable pair," She hummed as she read the messages from Gunnar and Beau.

Gunnar❤🤗: I hope you know God's got you. And I'm bringing some soup later for this weather.

"Aww," She smiled.

He was like her father away from home.

Honeydew: Gunnarrr! Thank you! I'll be waiting to see you!

She sent the message happily and read Beau's.

Beau🤍: We all prayed for you this morning, and still you're on my heart and mind, Sugar. I'll come see you after the game with a warm and tight hug.

The man was unreasonably perfect. He was becoming the definition of the word Swoon.

Honeydew: Bless you all! Thank you. The hug will be highly anticipated!

She put aside her phone and rolled over to face Baby.

Baby stared at her blankly and swiped her with his paw.

"I love you too," Honeydew said dryly to her rude dog.

Her phone buzzed, and she picked it up once again.

Beau🤍: Have a good day, baby. Relax and rest. Gunnar told me he was stopping by later, he'll be yours for the day if you'd like. Dye his hair again if it makes you happy😉

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