Chapter Seven

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"Daddy, we want a dog

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"Daddy, we want a dog. A little dog to be like me, good and nice. You know how to take care of me, so you can take care of a dog," Jace explained using his nine-year-old logic.

Beau rolled his eyes at Jace's awful attempt at getting him to change his mind.

They were too busy for a dog. And Jace was too young to take care of one.

"Nooo, don't do the eye thing. Don't, daddy. Hunter says he's gonna help! Hunter says he wants a compaction," Jace added while shaking Beau's arm. "Didn't you, Hunter?"

Beau gently moved Jace's hand from his arm and waited for Hunter's answer.

Jace grabbed Beau's arm and began tracing on it.

"The word is companion, Jace. And I did say that. I read some articles about dogs and their benefits. I thought, well, maybe we could get a service dog," The confidence in Hunter's voice faded as he finished speaking.

The boy was sensitive. Jace was bolder with his desires, while Hunter took an alternate route. He just didn't ask for much, he always assumed that Beau would say no.

Which wasn't true.

If they weren't riding to church, Beau would've hugged his son.

Beau was a pushover in every way when it came to his boys.

"We'll look into it. I ain't saying yes, but I ain't saying no." He finally answered the boys. He'd have to find a place that trained service dogs.

If it meant that Hunter and Jace would feel safer and happier, they were getting that dog.

Jace screamed and bit Beau's arm rashly.

He did that a lot. He was a unique boy.

"Thanks, dad. I promise that we'll take good care of him," Hunter said gratefully and then he poked Jace's side. "Stop biting dad. He needs to drive," He lightly scolded his brother,

Jace frowned and released Beau's arm. He rubbed it carefully and then pressed a kiss onto the part he bit.

Beau chuckled at his actions.

Seeing Jace act like a kid made him happy. He didn't care about his quirks. Biting was weird, but kids were dumb. Beau was a dumb adventurous kid himself, so he knew that Jace would grow out of it soon enough.

"Are we late for church? We will have somewhere to sit? We look late. Hunter said so too," Jace asked as Beau pulled into the church parking lot.

Beau hummed in response. Jace liked making things up, he was a creative kid.

"I think you made us later, daddy. Mama, Pops, and Gunnar are gonna look at us. They're gonna say that they can't see because we're walking over them. I see Gunnar's truck! Look, Hunter!" Jace rambled and unbuckled his seatbelt before Beau parked.

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