Chapter Eleven

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It had been one week since the planning meeting and Honeydew was a little hands-off with the fair, as instructed by Gunnar

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It had been one week since the planning meeting and Honeydew was a little hands-off with the fair, as instructed by Gunnar. He wanted her to stay focused on work and whatever else she wanted, which was super sweet.

Beau called her the night after the meeting and let her know that he had somewhere to be for the week, but when he came back, she would be wowed.

Well, the week was now over, and he arrived this morning. Honeydew wasn't waiting on him though, she had got herself into some private business that took her attention for the last few days.

Once everything was figured out, someone would be much happier.

But for now, she had to keep the private information for her home life and keep work as her priority.

Her phone buzzed at her station, and she picked it up.

Retro Joey👀: I got the name you were looking for. Gimme the word and I'll be on it.

A squeal escaped her mouth unintentionally, and she laughed at her silliness.

Retro Joey was a friend from DuJour. He worked as a Janitor when she first started working there, and eventually, he left to become a Private Investigator.

He was phenomenal at his job, and he owed her a few favors.

She looked up and saw Darlene eyeing her.

Honeydew smiled at her and put away her phone.

Retro Joey could wait for now.

"Honeydew, I've got a question for you," Darlene called her and motioned for her to come.

Honeydew walked away from her station and stood by Darlene's desk.

"Yes, ma'am?"

Darlene motioned for her to come behind the desk, which she did.

"Would you recommend Perkinston to someone new?" Darlene questioned her smoothly.

She opened her mini-fridge and handed Honeydew a Coke.

Her perfectly manicured nails gently scratched Honeydew's hand.

It was the first time that Honeydew had been close to Darlene since working at the salon. She just noticed how prim and neat Darlene always looked.

There wasn't a hair out of place in her bun, and her brows were arched to perfection.

She certainly had the look to match her personality.

Finally, Honeydew thought of her question.

Would she recommend the town?

It was weird because some places were so ancient, but it was nice.

"Yes and no," Honeydew answered, gaining a questioning look from Darlene. "The town is nice. It's calm, and everything is easy to find. However, LeRay's is the only grocery store near me, and it looks like the Piggly Wiggly from Steel Magnolias," Her face scrunched up just from mentioning LeRay's. She still wasn't used to it.

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