Chapter Twelve

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"Daddy!" Jace yelled with crazy eyes as Beau walked through the door

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"Daddy!" Jace yelled with crazy eyes as Beau walked through the door.

Beau caught the excited boy as he jumped at him. "Hi, little monkey," He kissed Jace's flushed cheek and carried him to the kitchen.

"Put me down! I want a snack!" Jace shouted in Beau's ear.

"Dad, can we get a dog?" Hunter asked while eating a banana.

Jace ran to the pantry and shut the door behind him.

"Hello to you too, Hunter." Beau greeted his son and kissed his head. "When we have more time," He answered his question and opened the fridge.

He looked around and saw that they didn't have any more milk or juice.

"Oops," He chuckled.

He was supposed to get milk and juice from LeRay's, but Honeydew ruined that.

She was a beautiful doll. Very sweet and absolutely gorgeous.

The pantry door flung open, and Jace ran into Beau's leg with a bag of goldfish in his hand.

Beau looked down at the energetic boy and examined his head. All the running he did would make Beau buy him a helmet.

Jace wasn't the most coordinated child.

"Daddy." Jace said calmly and poked Beau's stomach. "I saw Gunnar, and his hair was still white like cheese! Why is it like cheese? It was blue before," He asked frantically.

Beau chuckled at the boy's silliness. But his alerts were going off at Jace's recollection of Gunnar's hair color.

It was never blue.

Maybe he needed glasses or another lesson on colors.

Hunter threw away his banana peel and kneeled at Jace's height. "If you think his hair is white cheese, so is yours." He said and ruffled his hair.

Jace threw his goldfish bag and ran down the hall.

"Ahhhh!" Jace cried in panic.

Beau ran out of the kitchen and to the bathroom, where Jace was staring at himself with tears in his eyes.

"I have cheese hair! I didn't know I had cheese hair!" He wailed dramatically and fell back in Beau's arms.

Beau shook his head and carried the crying boy to the living room. "Shh, don't cry. It's not a bad thing," He cooed and sat on the couch with Jace on his lap.

"Why didn't you tell me I had cheese hair?" Jace asked solemnly.

Hunter snickered, and Beau shot him a glare.

Jace was already distraught, Hunter's laughter would only make it worse.

"I thought you knew, little monkey. What color did you think it was?" Jace sat up and pinched Beau's lips together.

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