Chapter Eighteen/Epilogue

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"What do you think they'll say?"

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"What do you think they'll say?"

He shrugged without a care or worry on his mind. "Congratulations, yay, you're so smart for doin this, and Jace will say something random and then try to make you some dinner," He explained and kissed his fiancée's nose.

Honeydew shivered lightly at his kiss, but she smiled while staring at her ring.

"I get why you said you were crazy. It makes sense." She told him frankly. "We've only known each other for like two months, and now we're engaged. My parents," She trailed off while imagining their reaction.

Beau took her left hand and admired the ring that showed the world she was his love. And it showed his parents that he wasn't a dunce for taking things slowly.

Honeydew shook Beau's shoulder, hoping to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" He asked.

"What do you think Hunter will say? Do you think he'll be alright with me marrying you? You know that I don't want to come between you two," Honeydew said, feeling nervous.

Hunter's reservations were the reason they had to pause initially. She would be truly devastated if he didn't feel comfortable with her.

He was good at dinner, but marrying his father was something different.

Beau cupped her cheeks and gently kissed her.

He understood her worries. But, even if Hunter had a newfound "problem" with Honeydew, he wouldn't dare to end his engagement.

He coddled both boys too much, and they were always swaying him with their adorable faces. But now things had to change.

Honeydew would come first as his wife, and then the boys.

And now that he knew Hunter was only overreacting that day, it would take more than locking himself away to sway Beau.

"No worries, sugar. I ain't losin you, not ever. The boys will be fine, and I know it won't be overnight, but they'll adapt to having you around more." He promised.

There was no way he was going to just let Honeydew be anxious. He wanted her to enjoy their engagement without a fuss.

Honeydew nodded. She believed him. And God would ease the hearts that needed extra attention.

"Speaking of Jace, I kept forgetting to ask you about putting some green color in his hair," Beau casually changed the subject to lighten the mood.

Honeydew narrowed her eyes at the color choice. It was unique. But it was Jace, and so far, he was extremely unique.

"I'd love to do that! Green is unusual, but I think he'll look like a cute little leprechaun or something," She giggled as a visual of Jace dressed as a leprechaun appeared in her mind.

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