Chapter Seventeen

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"Honeydew! Ahh! You're here!" Jace screamed as Honeydew walked into the house with Beau by her side

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"Honeydew! Ahh! You're here!" Jace screamed as Honeydew walked into the house with Beau by her side. "I'll take you to eat," He said helpfully and took her hand.

Beau picked her up for dinner, though she had no trouble driving. He was adamant about being with her any chance he could.

It was sweet.

"Hi, Jace! I am here," She said as they walked to the dining room.

Jace stopped walking once they made it to the dining room and motioned his hand to everyone.

"You see, it's mama, pops, Hunter, Gunnar, me, and daddy!" He told her excitedly. "Wait! Where's Hunter and Gunnar?" He asked Beau with wide eyes.

Beau gasped dramatically and looked around the dining room. "That's a good question, bud,"

Renee and Steven both smiled at Honeydew.

"Hi, darling! You look gorgeous as usual, I'm proud to say my son has finally done something right with you," Renee said teasingly and hugged her. "Keep him working, sweetheart." She added lowly, making Honeydew laugh.

She truly missed being around Beau's parents. It had been a while since she saw them, but nothing felt different.

Beau chuckled dryly and placed the cookie tray on the table.

"Oh, hush, Renee. Beau's plan worked, he was stupid, but he reached the goal. Now me, I didn't think he'd do it, especially with that 'slow and steady' mess," Steven threw air quotes as he mocked Beau. "Back in the day, we saw a pretty woman who was sweet and married her a month or two later," He reminisced pointedly.

Honeydew covered her mouth to stop her laughter. She loved their slight shade towards Beau. It was lighthearted fun.

Beau rolled his eyes at them and pulled out a chair for Honeydew. "Ignore them, sugar. They ain't got nothin better to do than talk about the apple of their eyes," He said cooly and sat in the seat beside her.

"I could say the same for you, Gunnar! But you're way older than me, so it just makes things worse!" Hunter said to Gunnar as they walked into the dining room. "Hi, Honeydew!" He waved and sat next to Jace, who was making his utensils dance.

Gunnar flicked Hunter's hair. "Beau ain't spank you enough, you got a real slick mouth," He told the boy gruffly, and then he turned to Honeydew, who was enjoying the amusing conversation between the two.

A smile grew on his face, and he walked over to her chair. "My favorite little woman," He kneeled beside her and took her hand. "That hick was hollerin like a fool last night, goin on bout how blessed he feels, you both good people, and I'm real happy for you," He said sincerely and tapped her hand. "Remember to keep the Lord first, and speak if you feel pressured to do something," He told her, only quiet enough for her to hear.

His heartfelt words touched honeydew. He never failed to make her grateful for his presence. "Thank you, Gunnar. You're always looking out for me," She said, recalling everything he'd done for her.

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