Ben 10 and Dragfeld

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(Will update the cover art with new character art designs later on)

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(Will update the cover art with new character art designs later on)

Mika trembled a bit nervously as she poured some coffee into a mug for Dragfeld, who was still in her full demonic armor as she tapped a gauntleted finger on the table. 

Silence filled the room as Ben and Shi-Jian both sat on one end of the booth, looking at possibly the most powerful woman on the entire planet at the time. 

Ben felt himself sweating literal bullets as she looked upon this woman. She was stronger than Ophelia and Erice, and those two hadn't even revealed their full strength to him as of yet. Then again, Ben was now aware of most of his own full power and knew he hadn't done anything of the sort yet either. But he had a feeling that even in his Radiance, he would be hard pressed ever beat this woman. 

"I am Dragfeld of the Kingdom of Light, the 11th Dimension of the Heavenly Demonic Kingdom."  the woman finally spoke. "And as my designation has stated before. I am indeed a demon. Half demon anyways.."

"She's hot.." Shi-Jian whispered, before Ben elbowed him hard. "OW! R-right sorry sorry, bad time."

Dragfeld's large tail whipped back and forth underneath the booth as she sipped her coffee and smiled serenely. "Your brew is fine work.. Mika was it?"

"Y-yes ma'am." said Mika. 

"Oh don't be that way. I am not much older than you." said Dragfeld quickly. "A..ahem.. I'm actually around 16.."

"N-no way, she looks like she's in her 20s!" stammered Shi-Jian. "Dang.. what a beauty.. oh.. er sorry right, again, not the time."

"I believe establishing casual relations are key in creating fruitful conversation. Do not be weary of me, please." said Dragfeld, looking at Ben and Shi-Jian. "Alien, the one known as Ben Tennyson, what I tried to do to you and the Vampire was never personal, but I had every intention of winning this war-.."

Dragfeld's eyes widened as she suddenly saw something on Ben's jacket.. "N-no way... is that..? IS THAT-!?"

Dragfeld dove onto the table, knocking her coffee to the floor so that she could look up close at Ben's shirt collar. "OH MY GOOOOOSH Is that the Kitty Kitty, Supreme Neko Version from Neko Neko Store!?"

Ben 10 Radiant War, Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now