Epilogue: A Hero Is Born.

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Drayna and the rest of the students of Ben's class in Sato City High School looked up and blinked as Ben Tennyson stopped in his tracks just inches past the school gate.

"You forgot your lunch!" Deca Alicia Tennyson skidded to a halt, wearing a pair of shorts and a green and black soccer jersey, smiling as she held up Ben's bagged lunch which she had personally cooked that morning. 

"Thanks." said Ben. "And what's with that outfit?"

"Oh? I'm trying out for the Soccer Team today." said Deca. "I've considered what you said about me learning to fully experience life, and since I've now started attending school like you as a student, I felt I wanted to try something you'd be interested in."

"I'd be interested in.. soccer?" Ben asked. 

"You might not remember it yet, but before you came here, in your world you were on your high school soccer team." said Deca. 

"Huh, so I was sporty huh? Guess I should try out for the team too if that's the case, see if I've still got it." said Ben with a grin as he patted Deca's head. 

"O-Oi oi oi!!" roared one student. "Tennyson-san.. wh-who is that girl you're so brazenly patting the head of-!?"

"I-isn't she that new exchange student who just started today!?" yelled another. 

"Oh, she's my little sister." said Ben.

"WH-WHAAAA!?" roared the entire class. "H-how can Tennyson have such a cute sister!!!?"

"Big Brother, they're acting weird, should I destroy them?" Deca asked. 

"Definitely not." said Ben. "Also, this probably goes without saying, but don't ever show your powers to just anybody. Even if Shub does wipe memories afterwards, dealing with the drama is never worth it."

"Hmmm, that is a logical approach." said Deca with a bright smile.  "Though I was truly joking about destroying those idiots! Meet you for lunch later?"

"Sure." said Ben, ruffling Deca's hair. "Ophelia wants to join us too, you don't mind do you?"

"Hmmmmmmmm.. Ophelia.. one of the girls who wants my Big Brother's heart.. and yet.. even if she is a possible sister in law.. I must ascertain she truly won't break Big Brother's heart.." Deca muttered under her breath. "This might be a good opportunity for investigating her intentions. After all Big Brother is a dunce when it comes to romance.."

"I can hear you, and also hello pot, have you met kettle? You're both black." Ben grumbled, chopping Deca over the head and causing her to squeal "Owie!" in a tiny voice. 

"Okay okay! Sorry!" said Deca quickly. "B-but its only right if a sibling looks out for your love life right!? What if Shi-Jian decided he wanted to date me without you knowing!?"

Ben felt a giant flame explode within his chest as a shadow crossed his face. "Deca.. that.. is the most extreme example you could've ever come up with." 

"Eheheheh, I know Big Brother would instantly turn into an alien and kick Shi-Jian's ass." said Deca with a wink. 

"For fuck's sake that's not a very good sell though. Why didn't you just say a more normal example? Like ask me what would happen if Hanzo dated you, or Tay." said Ben. 

"Hmmm.. Big Brother would still kick Tay's ass though.." said Deca as she sweated slightly. "You and I both know that Tay's not that much better than Shi-Jian.."

Ben frowned as he imagined Tay holding a thumbs up and laughing while surrounded by women in bikinis. 


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