The Brink of Insanity.

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Astrodactyl stared at Ophelia, his jaw opening slightly, then closing before suddenly returning to human form in a flash of green light. 

"O-Ophelia.. how did you?"

"Ben, I might not have known you long, but after you saved me.. after you saved my world. I think I've gotten to know you in a way that I haven't known any other human during my thousands of years of living." Ophelia said calmly. "I know when there's something bothering you. I know what you're like when you have a nightmare. I know what each and every little expression is like. I even know about that twitch you get in your left eye when you lie.. Erice told me about that one.."

Ben felt himself blush. "U-uh.. w-wow."

"You learn a lot after caring for somebody whose in a coma. And of course I remember every detail of our time together. My memory is very sharp for people I care about." Ophelia said with a small smile. "Honestly? Getting the Time Traveler to set up a fake kidnapping hoping to lead me on a wild goose chase? Maybe it worked on Hanzo... maybe Erice will be fooled for a little bit, but I know enough to call bullshit. Every Radiant War hero may be powerful enough to gather the attention of gods, but you.. even I couldn't beat you if I wanted to.. what hope does that boy  have?"

"That's plenty of faith.." Ben murmured. 

"Don't get me wrong, it's nothing to do with the Omnitrix. It is a beautiful device, filled with wonders, fantastic craftsmanship." said Ophelia with a shrug. "Its more what I've been able to observe from within rather than what's on your wrist. So again, I doubt that pervert time traveler could've taken you, and so instead of following that dope, I followed your scent."

"M-my scent!?" Ben stammered. "Wait.. oh shit that's right you can turn into a wolf."

"Duh." said Ophelia with a roll of her eyes. "Something you'd have thought of if you were in your right mind. Which you aren't. Waking up after a coma and suddenly knowing what I'll say precisely? Treating the Demon rampaging into the house like you've known each other for the longest while? Not answering your texts in spite of the friends I KNOW you care deeply for being incredibly worried, almost like it doesn't matter? Ben, talk to me.. what's happening? Let me help you."

"Y-you.. you wouldn't believe me if I said.." Ben stammered. "And it wouldn't help to tell you anyways.. no matter how many times.."

Ophelia tilted her head, frowning. "Ben.. this isn't the first time you've lived this day isn't it?"

Ben could only stare with supreme amazement. 

He always knew Ophelia was a smart person. But it was only now that he was fully appreciating the fact that she was one of the smartest people he ever knew... smarter than Erice.. Smarter than Hanzo.. Smarter than Gwen.

"I can put two and two together." Ophelia said. "The Time Traveler somehow knowing you enough to do this favor of leading us away from you. And the fact that he is.. the Time Traveler..  And then racing to this room, as if knowing something is going to happen here that hasn't yet.  Time is  resetting isn't it? It's a Groundhog Day right?  Only you, the Time Traveler and the Demon are aware of it.. but at the end of it all.. I won't remember a thing when this day resets."

Ben bowed his head. "N-no you won't."

Ophelia chuckled. "Don't be so down about it Ben.. aw jeez, you should've come to me earlier, a lot can be done in a single day. I could've-."

Ophelia stopped talking.

Ben stared at the large gaping bloody hole in Ophelia's chest.. gaping wide and clean.. 

Ben 10 Radiant War, Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now