Villains of the Radiant War.

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"BLLLLAAAAAM!" A massive barrage of flames collided with ash, rock and rubble, as Swampfire hurled a set of long range fire balls at Van Kleiss. 

Van Kleiss hurled a punch with his metallic arm and his body smoking as he barely slashed through the flaming attacks. 

"Now now.." Van Kleiss muttered. "We haven't even started talking yet and you're already-."

"No need to talk.."  

Van Kleiss's eyes widened as right behind him, Hanzo appeared, his sword sliding out of its sheath. "You pretty much announced your intentions here. And given that you're not supposed to be in this time.. that makes this all the more necessary."

Hanzo hurled out a flurry of slashes that would've cleaved a building to pieces, but his blade was deflected multiple times in a flurry of sparks by a massive long katana wielded at insane speeds.

The man holding the katana was tall and slim, with long white hair, a black coat with armored pauldrons on the shoulders, like some sort of military uniform similar to Shi-Jian. He frowned, his yellow eyes eying the scene intelligently, one massive white feathered wing stretching out from his back... "While I admit we are working together.. I would advise you to realize that this man doesn't speak for all of us."

The man glared at Van Kleiss, who held up both hands in surrender, chuckling. 

"Apologies, perhaps I was caught up in the moment." said Van Kleiss. 

"The inability to practice patience on the battlefield, to sit back and learn from one's enemy only results in failure." said another figure behind The One Winged Angel. "Your blatant assault just now, Heroes of this Time Period, is a sign of your pure childishness"

Ophelia glared at the new speaker, her massive bat wings spreading from her back in a manner that suggested she was eager to dig her claws into the newcomers. "And yet, that statement is a failure to acknowledge that sometimes she who strikes first is also she who lives."

The figure stepped forward, revealing himself.  He was a massive man, with bulging muscles and purple skin, Hairless, his head bald. And strange scar-like lines going down his chin..  He wore battle armor of gold and silver over a dark suit..  

He smirked as he stepped forward past the now cautious heroes till he stood right in front of Erice, her head only coming up to just underneath his chest. 

"Now now child, what ailments have befallen you?" The large purple man asked. 

"Nothing that couldn't be cured by draining all the blood from your sad purple body.." whispered Ophelia. "Don't talk down to me big lug, I've at least lived 400 more lifetimes than you."

"Wait.. WAAAAIT.. I've seen him somewhere.. in a movie.." Swampfire muttered. "WAIT.. Th-THAT's..?!"

"Oh?" The large alien man looked at Swampfire. "Do you know me? I must admit, there was somewhat of a shock when I found out that in this world, media portrays me as-."

"It's MUTANT GRIMACE!" Swampfire stammered. "From that weird fan fiction I found online!"

"Ewwwww THAT one!?" exclaimed Shi-Jian. "Right, where they gave Grimace those super stronk muscles and made him have sex with the Burger King!! EWWWW EWWWWW I can't believe he actually exists out there!!"

"Well it is a big multiverse." said Erice with a sweat drop going down her forehead.

"Yeah, bound to be something weird out there." said Hanzo. "Who knows? Maybe the Marvel Cinematic Universe also exists out there somewhere.."

Ben 10 Radiant War, Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now