The Story of Hatori's Tragic Love Life

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Just one look at the way Tohru was doting on Yuki and Ayame realized what was the real manner in which his younger brother felt about Tohru, nowadays. He could suddenly tell that Yuki had started to view Tohru Honda as not a potential girlfriend, but as alternative mother figure. Although the snake man always believed that Tohru and his younger brother of a rat child would wind up together, he decided to let it go all at once.

Kyo's feelings for Tohru, however, greatly differed from Yuki's. Those were truly the feelings of a boy in love with a girl. Whether it was by accident or coincidence that Kyo fell in love with Tohru while Yuki looked to her only as a mother figure, he could not tell. One thing was sure for sure about Kyo being in love with Tohru.

Ayame Sohma's mind: Kagura is very much not going to like this news. Although, I suppose she should've seen this coming. She did threaten Kyonkichi into asking her to marry him, at knifepoint, no less. I believe that Kyonkichi told Tohru, Gure, and my own dear brother this sort of news, himself. That's no real way to express your love towards somebody.

Kyo walked into the house after Tohru with Kisa and Hiro in tow. He held one hand of the two of them in both of his own on the way inside. Then, he brought the two of them to Tohru's side just so they could get their visit with her over with.

Kyo Sohma: You're welcome, you little runts.

Kisa got flustered and scared by Kyo's comment.

Kisa Sohma: Um, thank you, Kyo onii-chan. You didn't have to escort Hiro and me inside, though. But, thank you, anyway.

Hiro, on the other hand, was not ready to let go of the fact that Kyo's grip on Kisa and himself made Hiro feel manhandled.

Hiro Sohma: Are you kidding me, you dumb cat? What was with the way you brought us inside, you jerk?

Kyo was not amused by Hiro's comments.

Kyo Sohma: Hey, the sooner you two would've gotten in here, the sooner you could visit with Tohru and leave when it was time for you to go home.

Kisa was slightly taken aback by Kyo's comment. She knew he felt like she was his competition for Tohru's affections, too. She did not like being thought of as a rival by him and never meant to become Kyo's rival for Tohru's affections. Luckily, Tohru returned the favor of Kisa coming to her rescue when Hiro talked bad about her and tried to get Kyo to be nicer, with better success than Hiro.

Tohru Honda: Um, I don't mind at all if they visit, and they are free to stay as long as they want.

Kyo always tried, but could never say 'no' to his beloved Tohru. So, he decided he would put up with Hiro's verbal insults towards her, as well as Kisa's emotional attachment to the love of his life. Kisa was, after all, just a little girl who simply viewed Tohru like she would have an older sister; and he just could not ask an innocent little girl to give up time with someone she loved so much, but he still was not keen on letting them keep Tohru to themselves like several other times in the past.

Kyo Sohma: No, it's OK! I don't even care how long your visit with her lasts, this time. Just don't hog Tohru.

Kyo blushed at the realization of what he had asked of the two children. Kisa smiled knowingly.

Kyo Sohma's brain: Oh, crap! Did I really just ask those kids to share Tohru with my voice instead of in my head?

Kyo Sohma: N-N-No, th-th-that's not what I meant. I-I-I didn't mean 'don't hog her!' just my own benefit. I-I-I meant 'don't hog Tohru!' a-as in share her attention with everyone else, too. Y-Y-You know, 'cause the rest of us are friends with her, too, you know.

Hiro was a little bit puzzled by Kyo's sudden stammering comments, but Kisa got what he was really trying to say like she was 'Little Miss Intuitive'. Hatori was also always one to clue in on Kyo's feelings for Tohru like one would expect from the most intuitive member of the entire Zodiac.

Hatori Sohma: If you're going to try to lie in attempt to cover up how feel, Kyo, you could at least learn not to stammer like an imbecile.

Kyo freaked out at Hatori, blushing from ear to ear in the brightest shade of red.

Kyo Sohma: I-I-I said that it wasn't like that, a-a-a-and I meant it, dammit.

Shigure Sohma: Leave it to the good doctor to tell it like it is.

Ayame Sohma: I agree, Tori! You deserve so much than what you're given in matters of the heart.

Yuki Sohma: What are going on about, now, you deluded snake?

Ayame Sohma: Oh, I suppose you were never told about it, my dear brother.

Ritsu Sohma: I haven't heard of it, either. What is it? Do I wanna know about it?

Ayame Sohma: I guess I shall simply have tell both of you about it, myself, with Tori's consent, that is.

Hatori Sohma: I suppose it's OK to share, now. I have much less of a complex about it, these days. I've moved on since then so I guess it's OK talking about it.

Ayame Sohma: Perfect, Tori. Don't worry, I solemnly promise you that I shall keep my own opinions of it to myself.

Ayame told them all the story of Hatori's tragic love with the woman who was formerly known as Kana Sohma until she married. The snake man told them about how she reacted to Hatori's zodiac form, how they tried ask for Akito's blessing of their marriage, and finally how Hatori felt about erasing his own love's memories that he ever even felt the same way she did. Yuki was the first to give Hatori his condolences on the matter.

Yuki Sohma: I'm sorry that happened to you, Hatori. Having to erase this Kana's memories as punishment for only following orders whenever you erased people's memories in the past must've been the result of misdirected bad karma. I don't get why it happened to you when you were only following the family's orders in the past. I also don't get why you didn't blame Akito when he was the one who gave you those orders in the first place, and then he was the one who lashed out at you just for wanting to marry someone you loved.

Yuki's mind: I suppose that when he erased the memories my friends had of me transforming in front of them, Hatori probably feared that all of those children would've all eventually wound up being broken beyond repair, just as this Kana Sohma person was when Hatori's eye was injured. If that's the truth about his reasons for erasing memories in the past, could Hatori be afraid that Miss Honda might break just like it one day?

Kyo spoke up about the situation of Hatori's past with the woman next.

Kyo Sohma: Rat boy's right. It's so unfair that Hatori had to suffer just because Akito's gay and gets too dangerously jealous for his own good. I think the doctor had every single right to blame Akito for it. I know I would've openly blamed Akito if I were in his shoes, that day.

Hatori Sohma: That's because being robbed of the people we care about the most, and never even once being allowed to blame any of it on Akito is the true nature of our zodiac curse. Being the one among us who is equal to the God from the old folktale only adds to our prohibition from blaming anything on Akito.

Kyo Sohma: It's still not fair or right. We shouldn't be forbidden from blaming Akito just because he controls our curse. I don't care if it's forbidden for us to blame anything on Akito. I just can't forgive him for being so damn possessive towards all of us.

Kisa suddenly felt a surge of inspiring courage from Kyo's words. She wished she could be as brave as him when it came to cherishing Tohru. Whether as a sister figure for Kisa or a more than obvious love interest for Kyo, she felt inspired by his words to hold Tohru as tight as she could for as long as she could. She just needed to do what she could to protect Tohru.

Kisa would still make sure to leave some of Tohru for Kyo. After all, underneath all scowls and rough words and actions, Kisa knew for a fact that Kyo was so in love with Tohru, especially since he always smiled around her; and he rarely ever smiled in front of anyone else, so Kisa simply had to share Tohru with Kyo.

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