I Know What You Did This Past Summer

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Just at that moment, Momiji and Hatsuharu were suddenly flashing back to their summer at the beach house with Tohru for one reason or another unknown to the two of them.

Tohru was lounging on the beach under a beach umbrella in the pink, strawberry-patterned swimsuit that Arisa, Saki, and the Sohmas had bought for her when they took her shopping for one. That was when Momiji showed up with Hatsuharu, who was holding a camera. Momiji really wanted to take a shot of Tohru in her swimsuit and include himself in it, not realizing it was inappropriate. He could not help it, though. He had a crush on her, and without any parents to be positive role models in his life, the poor kid had no real concept of personal space and was a little too forward with Tohru for his own good, just like Kagura was to Kyo.

Momiji Sohma: Make sure you get the swimsuit in the shot, too, Haru. I don't want any of the details left out.

Hatsuharu Sohma: Are you entirely sure this is even OK? Tohru might be shocked if she ever finds out, and Kyo would rip our heads off if he ever found out we did this to Tohru without her consent.

Momiji Sohma: Come on, Haru. Have a little fun in the sun. Kyo never has to know about this.

Hatsuharu Sohma: My dark personality may be a bit perverted compared to my light side, but I doubt even Dark Haru would view taking a picture of a girl without said girl's consent as "fun in the sun". But, if you're OK with the possibility of getting in trouble for this lecherous little escapade, it's hardly my place to judge, so say "Cheese", dude.

Hatsuharu took the pictures of Momiji with Tohru in her swimsuit, much to the latter's secretly crude enjoyment.

Tohru began to laugh a bit and stir around while the pictures were being taken, though. Momiji was not Kyo, so he did not know that once Tohru was out, she was out like a light. He mistook her laughing and stirring for her beginning to wake up. He and Hatsuharu made a run for it, and unfortunately for Tohru, Momiji ran for it while knocking her beach umbrella over just slightly. The end result was her coming back to school for the fall term with a sunburn only on her left hand.

That was the end of the rabbit and the ox's joint flashback.

Kyo was always accused of being perverted towards Tohru by everyone in his life, but what Momiji's secret lechery did to her took the cake. Thankfully for the teenage man-child in bunny's clothing, Kyo never found out, and neither did Tohru.

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