Homecoming day

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Adrian P.O.V

I'm so excited for homecoming today and especially the after-party at my house, so many students from the homecoming will be there. And Today will be so easy because I just have to go to school and then get my house decorated with Nino. Adrian thought while eating breakfast. After he finished, Adrian made his way to the car as his bodyguard drove him to school.

When Adrian got to the school, Alya and Nino were there waiting for him, as Adrian was walking up the stairs he could hear part of their conversation." so your telling, the Bank told Marinette, that they would give back the money that the Intruder or the Apartment, bakery and the money as well, oh my. . " Nino said to Alya. Alya nodded yes, as Adrian stood next to them.

"Oh, hey Adrian. How are you feeling today? It's going to be fun!" Nino said as Alya and Adrian agreed. Then the bell rang for class to start they all made their way to their 1st class together.

Time skip. . .

In the middle of Adrian's last period of class, a loud Monster Roar was heard and the teacher dismiss the class, as Adrian ran into the bathroom and transform into Cat noir. "Time for action!" He said running out of the bathroom and towards the Akuma victim once again.

After the Akuma flight. . .

Ladybug caught the Akuma and saved the day with Cat noir, She's perfect as ever Cat noir thought. "So malady, you're substituted ladybug has been fighting with me the last week and a half, your back from a business trip?" Cat noir said "yep, I'm back. . . from that business trip. . . " Ladybug answered, "what do you mean by that bugaboo?" Cat noir asked "it doesn't matter now, all that matters is. . I've missed fighting beside you again, you can say" Ladybug replied.

Cat noir look at Ladybug with doll eyes and lean towards her with his baton "you've missed me, Bugaboo" Cat noir said fluttering his eyes, as Ladybug smirked "not any more Cat noir" Ladybug laugh as Cat noir pretended to act sad and burst out laughing as well. "Anyway malady, I'll see you soon I hope, bye." Cat noir said getting on his baton and jumping away.

Cat noir landed at the school transformed back to Adrian and waited for his bodyguard to pick him up.

Time skip. . .

Adrian got dropped off at his house and waved goodbye to his bodyguard for the night, It's go time, to decorate a little Adrian said running up to his room and plagg going to his cheese cabinet, eating as always. Then Adrian's phone rang, Adrian, pick it up and answered "hey bro, I'm here let's decorate!!" Nino said, "Alright, I'll get the door for you." Adrian said and hung up.

Adrian open his jacket and let plagg fly into it and ran to his fount door and let Nino in with a bunch of balloons, "Alright let's decorate, then get ready for homecoming and grab the girls in the limousine, I order for us all" Aidan said and the two of them went to work.

Time skip. . .

The stairs in the front entrance of the mansion had black and white balloons and the same color streamers down the Handrails. In Adrian's room, there was a couple of big speaker on the top railing where his games and books are with the same color balloons and streamer everywhere. They also put a couple of pop-up tables in his room for pizza later too.

Adrian's room was party-ready and now they were getting dressed for the homecoming, Nino had on a nice white button top and black pants and black dress shoes, As Adrian had a nice dark grey suit with a matching blue shirt under neither to match Marinette's dress.

"Hey, Nino, I'm ready and the limousine will be here in 5 minutes," Adrian said, facing away from nino while letting plagg in his suit "I am too, I'll meet you outside now," Nino said. The both of them meet out front for the limousine with their Corsages for the girls. As the limousine arrived they got in and went to Alya's place.

When the boys arrived at the Apartment, Alya's family let them in with cameras and waited for the girls to come out of the room, Alya came out with her glorious black dress and stood next to Nino, where her family took pictures of her. Then Marinette walked out with her adorable and fashionable blue dress with her hair up, Adrian could feel himself blush.

Alya's Family took many pictures of the four of them, and when the boys gave the girls their Corsages too before they left for homecoming.

Time skip. . .

While the limousine, arrived at the homecoming hall, that the school picked this year, many students watch as the four friends came out of the limousine, and walked into the hall.

Adrian watched as Nino lock his arm with Alya to the dance floor, so Adrian looked at Marinette and locked his arm with hers "Marinette, do you want this dance" Adrian said with a smirk, he watch as Marinette blushed madly and nodded up and down. Adrian walked them to the dance floor.

"Hello, homecoming! We are going to do some upbeat songs and of course, slow songs too, SO ARE YOU READY!!" The DJ yelled and everyone yelled back "YES!!" after that response the DJ started. . .

Marinette P.O.V

Alya and Marinette were facing each other while dancing at first until they turn to the boys with their arms up and jumping to the beat, the boys were doing the same. Marinette and Adrian continue to dance with different types of dance moves with each song until Marinette stops and drags Adrian out of the dance floor "I'm. . p. . pretty thirsty, y. . you?" Marinette asked and Adrian nodded his head yes.

Marinette and Adrian sat down and drank some water and a little a bit of food, and try to cool themselves off from dancing for an hour and a half. "Marinette, you look very pretty tonight, did your design Alyas and your dress?" Adrian asked, Marinette nodded yes, with a light blush across her face.

"Th. . . thank you, Adrian your hot. Wait no I mean very. . nice tonight as well" Marinette said back nervously, as Adrian smiled. Then Marinette heard a very annoying voice" Adrian!! Am I seeing right? Are you here with Marinette dupan-chan, who has no family" Chloe says in a mean tone, Marinette looked down at her Corsage, embraced and upset from what Chole said.

"Excuse me Chloe, but you will not talk to Marinette like that at all, you hear me. Don't bother coming over here or talking to use at all and also you just got yourself uninvited from the after-party at my mansion." Adrian said back aggressively, as Chloe turned her head and walked away whimpering

"Marinette, I'm sorry Chloe said that to you. But I have a feeling she won't be talking to us again tonight." Adrian said to reassure Marinette, putting his arm over Marinette. Marinette looked up at Adrian and said "Thank you. . " with a smile.

"Here, let's get back to the dance floor and dance some, to keep your mind off of Chloe," Adrian said and Marinette nodded yes. With that Marinette and Adrian went back to the dance floor and started to dance again.

Time skip.

"Hey homecoming party people, it's time to take it down a notch and these last two songs will be slow songs for our couples out there," The DJ said, then a lot of the Students left the floor to the tables to eat and drink, but there was still at least 10 couples dancing.

Marinette started to walk away, but Adrian grabbed her arm"we might not be a couple, but I enjoy the slow songs expressly with someone, I care about." Adrian said convening Marinette to dance with him more "a..alright, I enjoy s.. slow songs too" Marinette mumbled.

Adrian grab Marinette's waist and bought her closer, as Marinette wrap her arms around the back of his neck, her face was a beet red, as they swad slide to side slowly enjoying each other and the song. . .

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