5th Month- February

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Adrian's P.O.V

Adrian woke up from his alarm, stretching over as much as we could to shut it off, then falling face-first to the floor, Adrian could hear Plagg laughing while eating cheeses in his cabinet. "Shut it plagg!" Adrian said and it made Plagg laugh more, as Adrian walked into his bathroom to get dressed for today.

While Adrian was walking out of his bathroom with his clothes on and drying his hair with the towel, he looked over and saw Plagg looking at Adrian "why are you looking at me like that?" Adrian asked, " I have no more cheese, I need more!" Plagg said aggrievedly.

"We will get you more cheese later today," Adrian said and fished doing his hair, then opening his shirt for Plagg, Plagg flew in and Adrian went down to the dining table to eat, breakfast. After breakfast, Adrian started to study and do homework, but suddenly there was screaming and blasting noise coming from the streets away.

Adrian got up and called for plagg "plagg claws out!!" Adrian said and turned into Cat noir while jumping out of his widow to fight the Akuma with his new partner.

Time skip. . .

Cat noir and Scarbella pounded their fists together, after defeating the Akuma. "How is Ladybug doing?" Cat noir asked "she hasn't had a lot of time to text me, so no news to mean me no bad or good news," Scarbella said "she might be in trouble, and can't get to her phone to tell you any news," Cat noir said worry "trust me Cat noir, she knows how to take care of herself and ask for help, no need to worry." Scarbella reassured" that is true" Cat noir smiled. Soon after this conversation, Scarbella left first, then Cat noir.

Cat noir landed inside his room and transformed back to Adrian, with a bag full of caminbaer for Plagg, Adrian throw a please in Plaggs mouth and put the bag inside his cabinet. Then Adrian sat down at his desk and continue his school work for the rest of the afternoon.

Time skip. . .

After Adrian finished his schoolwork, Adrian checked the time and it was almost time for his date with Marinette, so Adrian jumped into his bathroom and changed into a formal suit and tie. Adrian was happy, but nervous because he's never had a first date before.

What if neither of us likes each other, then we would have to raise our daughter in a different house, or what if I fall in love with her and she doesn't. Adrian's mind was racing with outcomes how this night could be terrible, he didn't even see Plagg waving his little arms in front of Adrian's face.

"Earth to Adrian, don't you have a date to go to or something?" Plagg asked and Adrian looked down at his watch and realized that he will be late if he doesn't leave this second. Adrian let Plagg fly inside of his coat, and ran to his car outside, and started to drive to Marinette's apartment.

When Adrian arrived at Marinette's apartment, he knock and heard her walking to the door. Adrian waited until she open the door completely and saw her in an elegant red dress, that looked perfect with her baby bump, which made it look so adorable. "Are you ready?" Adrian asked and Marinette nodded, Adrian took her arm and lock it with his, and made their way to the car.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were seated immediately because Adrian made a reservation. "I love Italian food, Adrian. I'm so excited to eat some delicious food, much better than food at my apartment" Marinette said " you do eat well at your apartment? If not my father and I can buy you groceries" Adrian said to Marinette.

"No worries Adrian, I make sure to eat all my fruits and veggies every day, for the baby. But I don't cook, I'm more of a baker so I just eat sandwiches, pizza, and stuff like that, but don't you worry I have plenty of groceries" Marinette said reassuring Adrian. Then their waiter came by and gave them their menus and asked for drinks.

After they reserved their drinks they placed their complete order of food. After the Waiter wrote it down, he left to bring the order to the kitchen to make their food. "You know Marinette, seeing you in this gorgeous dress and showing off our baby bump, I just wanted to tell you, you look perfect" Adrian complicated Marinette, as Marinette started to blush.

"Well thank you, Adrian! You look very charming as well" Marinette flirted back, as a small amount of blush creep on Adrian's face. "Marinette, I wanted to ask you if this date goes well, maybe we could be this every Saturday. So by the time the baby is here, it would feel like we knew each other for years." Adrian said.

"We have known each other of year's silly, but of couse, we should do this every Saturday, even if this date doesn't go well. We need to make an effort for our baby's sake." Marinette said as Adrian nodded in agreement. After the both of them talked for a little longer, all the food was delivered to their table, and the both of them started to slam down all the food.

Time skip. . .

Adrian had driven Marinette home and we're at her apartment. "Adrian, I hope you know you are always more than welcome to stay the night if you please." Marinette offered "I would love to, but my Father, hired a gig last minute photo shooting tomorrow, for the whole afternoon. But for sure next time Marinette" Adrian said.

"All right then, drive safe Adrian and also I really enjoyed our date tonight, I'm looking forward to next Saturday," Marinette said with a smile "me too Marinette, and no worry I'll drive safe. I'll see you later, bye" Adrian said with a smile as well, then Marinette waved goodbye and then shut the door behind herself.

After that amazing time, the rest of the month was a blur. the following Monday, they both went to the baby's doctor's appointment, and their baby girl is healthy as she can be. As the rest, of the month, continues The both of them went to different restaurants each Saturday and loved each one. Marinette and Adrian we're enjoying each other.

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