3rd month- December

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It's december now and snow has covered Paris and looks beautiful and peaceful, but then Marinette heard a loud crash and then a bunch of yelling, and screams and suddenly a shake. Marinette was scared as she slowly got out of bed and looked outside, there was an Akuma attack, she turn the Tv on to see what was going on now and saw Cat noir and Scarbella defeated the Akuma.

Marinette's heartbeat started to slow back down to normal speed and she took a deep breath"oh my gosh, this is how it feels when an Akuma attacks. It's so scary" Marinette said to herself, walking out of her room to the kitchen grabbing some food to eat. Then heard a knock on the door, Marinette opened the door while eating to see Alya walking in and closing the door.

"Oh my gosh, girl that Akuma attack was so fast I couldn't believe it, did you see cat noir and I, we kick its butt like no problem!" Alya said pumped up, as Marinette stared "what do you mean, I woke up with no idea what was happening, I was so scared, Alya."Marinette said, Alya, walked to her, and huge her " it's okay Marinette, that's how it was all for Paris when you and Cat noir started" Alya said.

"Alya, this is all new to me and it's not good for the baby for me to get that scared, I don't want to have a miscarriage or something," Marinette said fearfully, Alya step back from Marinette "you need to calm down, and find or do something when an attack happens, like go somewhere safe and control your breathing and think happy thoughts. Try that next time, it worked for me all the time, trust me girl" Alya said reassuring Marinette.

Marinette took a big breathe and continue to eat more and nodded as she sat on the couch" on we are done with that, let's talk about something else. Like, when is the baby due?" Alya asked "I'm due July 9th," Marientte said. . .

Marinette made sure to put that advice to good use, the next two weeks when there was an Akuma attack, and it did help Marinette to stay calm. And after every attack, Alya would come over and check how Marinette was doing and coping with the attacks.

Also, Adrian and Marinette had another doctor's appointment and the baby was doing very well, with a good heartbeat still. And Marinette is now almost to her second trimester because she is 13 weeks pregnant. And that next month, they might be able to know the gender of the baby.

Time skip. . .
*3rd week of December*

Marinette and Adrian walked out of the school together after their final bell had rang, there was a medium amount of snow on the ground and a light snow falling from the sky "My Father, wanted me to ask you. If you would like to come over with me to my house now, he would like to have dinner and chat with you more." Adrian asked and Marinette nodded her head yes.

The both of them got into the car, as Adrian's bodyguard drove them to his house, when they arrived Adrian's father answered the door and greeted the two of them. "Good afternoon Adrian and Marinette, come in my office. We can chat while dinner is being made." Adrian's father said as he walked into his office, as Marinette and Adrian followed.

After they sat down on the sofas, a maid came in with hot tea "the tea is ready" the maid said and put it on the coffee table. Adrian grabbed a cup and gave one to Marinette, then grabbed one for himself "So Marinette, I head your parents passed away a couple of months ago. I'm very sorry for you loses, but where have you been living?" Adrian's father asked while sipping the tea.

"I got an apartment, it's small but works perfectly for me" Marinette replied and Mr. Agreste nodded his head "that very good for you, but if that apartment doesn't work out, you can always stay here if you wish. You wouldn't need to pay rent or anything, like how you do for your apartment." Mr. Agreste said "well, thank you for the offer. But I do enjoy my apartment very much, but I will consider, maybe when the baby is born" Marinette added.

"Alright, well the offer stands whenever you want to and you are more than welcome to come over, it must be a drive from school to your home." Mr. Agreste said "yeah, it is a bit of a drive. So I'll have to take your offer on coming over here more for sure." Marinette smiled as he nodded.

Then the maid came once more "dinner is ready and on the table, Mr. Agreste " the maid said, as he nodded "well, let's eat." He said, as the three of them walked into the dining room and started to eat, the three of them continue to eat and chatted some more after dinner until it started to get dark.

"Well, Adrian and Mr. Agrest it's been very nice here and the food was amazing, thank you for inviting me over, but I should be getting home," Marinette said to the both of them "I'll have our bodyguard drive you home Marinette and your very welcome, your very lovely. Have a good night" Mr. Agreste said "I'll see you at school Marinette" Adrian smiled.

After Marinette left and got back home she crashed into her bed and passed out.

For the rest of the month, Marinette started to spend more time over at Adrian's house and they had a weekly dinner together as well. The dinners were lovely and made Marinette start to like a part of their family and get to know his father, even though she already knows so much of them, from obsessing over Adrian the last couple of years. Marinette has been able to have a good relationship with Mr. Agrest and with Adrian.

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