The beginning of the 8th month- May

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Adrian's P.O.V

The final bell rang as Adrian and Marinette walked together with Alya and Nino on each side talking, toward the front of the school "I can't believe we only have three more weeks of classes, and then we graduate next month" Adrian said to the group. "I know, it's crazy it feels like yesterday when I started to go here.* Alya said as Nino nodded.

The group walked out of the school and stop there " we also have prom in a week, did everyone buy their tickets?" Marinette asked the group. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Did you want me to make your dress, I have a lot of designs from the last couple of years of what we wanted to wear at prom, I'll take pictures and send them to you, tell me which one you want Alya?" Marinette asked Alya.

"Yeah, dudes and I need to study so much, because our finals are in three weeks too," Nino said, "well come over to my place Nino, we can study for finals every day after school until we are both ready for it?" Alya asked and Nino nodded his head yes " that would be amazing, babe" Nino said.

After their conversation, everyone said their goodbyes. Adrian watch, as Alya and Nino walked away, and Marinette and Adrian got into his father's car, while on the drive Adrian grab Marinette's hand "do you want to go on date with me this Friday?" Adrian asked, Marinette smiled "yes, that sounds nice" Marinette answer.

Time skip. . .

Adrian and Marinette are walking out of the restaurant from their date, but Adrian had an idea. When Marinette and Adrian got into the car, Adrian whisper some to his bodyguard, as he began to drive. "What were you whispering about?" Marinette asked, Adrian, smiled "you'll see soon," Adrian said.

When they Arrived, Adrian watch Marinette's eyes twinkle with light, as Adrian got out of the car and open the door for Marinette, helping her out of the Car. It was the Jardin du Luxembourg (One of the most famous green spaces in Paris) that Adrian has taken Marinette to as Cat noir.

Marinette smiled, as she grab Adrian's hand. The two of them started to walk between the trees, while the sun was setting "I remember, when Cat noir showed me this place shortly after from the hospital" Marinette giggle slightly, Adrian laugh too "now look at us, expressly you Marinette. I know then you were coved in grief, the last time we were here together, but now you look happy and amazing" Adrian said.

The both of them came across the bench where they sat 9 months ago, the both stop as Adrian moved in front of Marinette and smiled "Marinette you are incredibly beautiful, strong, brave, talented and so much more, the last year's with you, As Adrian and Cat noir has been amazing and I can't wait for more with our little one on the way" Adrian started while touching Marinette's stomach and kissing it and then looking back to Marinette.

"Marinette, I couldn't imagine my life without you, and I don't want to ever. You have been my partner, my best friend and I would like you to be my girlfriend" Adrian asked, grabbing out a box from his pants pocket and opening it "if you would like to, I have these promise rings for each other" Adrian smile, looking up to Marinette.

Adrian watched as Marinette blushed madly and then locked eyes with him and smiled " I would love to be your girlfriend, Adrian" Marinette said, as she grab Adrian's ring and put it on his finger. Then Adrian grabbed Marinette's finger and slid on her ring " I hope you know, the next time I put a ring on your finger, I'm Marrying you" Adrian said happily, as Marinette blushed harder and nodded yes.

Both of them leaned together and kissed, As the sun was finished setting down.

Time skip. . .

Adrian wakes up and turns over to Marinette who was sleeping so peacefully, with the morning sun shining on her stomach, Adrian gaze at Marinette's hair, Face, and then her stomach once more. As Adrian moved closer and curled up next to her, waking Marinette up. Adrian watched as Marinette turns to him with a big sleepy smile.

"Good morning, beautiful" Adrian said, as Marinette smiled "Good morning," Marinette said sweetly, Adrian wrapped his arms around her, hugging Marinette as the both of them were laying in his bed, half-asleep "are you excited for today," Adrian asked "Of couse, I am. It's finally here our prom, I've been dreaming of this for years, I can't wait to get ready!" Marinette said happily, as Adrian lands a kiss on Marinette's lips quickly, then leaning back to her best red face.

After Adrian and Marinette got up and eat their breakfast, the both of them did some studying for a couple of hours until they need to get ready from prom.

Marinette P.O.V

Adrian, went into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready, as Marinette was doing her makeup and hair, on Adrian's bed, looking at her dress, that she created for herself. Marinette quickly finished her make-up and hair soon after Adrian got out of the shower and started to get into her dress, with Adrian's help.

Marinette's dress fitted her like a glove, all the curves in the right places and showing off her baby bump as well, Marinette watch as she turn around to Adrian that just finished buttoning her dress up, for his reaction. Marinette looked up to Adrian, that was blushing completely red.

"You look so unbelievable stunningly, Marinette oh my goodness. This dress is perfect and your body in it is making it even more lovely" Adrian smirked while meeting Marinette's gazes, "thank you" Marinette said, blushing more.

Then Adrian grab Marinette's hand and started to go hand downstairs to the car, but they were stopped by Mr. Agrest before they could leave the mansion. The two of them stop, as Mr. Agrest analysis Marinette's dress "this is a very wonderful dress, Marinette did you buy this?" Mr. Agrest asked As Marinette shooked her head no "no, I made this dress, Mr. Agrest" Marinette answered, Mr. Agrest smiled.

"Well Marinette, you have outdone yourself. This is a very beautiful gown, you have a remarkable talent for fashion. I see you becoming big and known as me, with gowns and other Clotheslines like that" Mr. Agrest said, as Marinette smiled.

"Thank you," Marinette said, "sorry, to cut this short Father, but Marinette and I are going to prom now, could we finish this conversation later?" Adrian asked as his father nodded yes. Marinette and Adrian then went into their limbo, As the drive made their way to Alyas House.

After, pictures from Alya's family of everyone, they all jump back into the limbo and make their way there.

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