Sweet Dreams

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His vision focused on the man standing at the pillar. Unlike the goat who came before them, this young lad looked promising. He wore a suit with a green tie, from what Ranboo could see, and the people surrounding him cheered with glee as the so called festival ended up on a good note.

"How dare they rejoice after what they did?" He muttered between grit teeth. His eyes glanced at his friend who hid in the crowd, but his thoughts were cut short by the sound of a loud explosion.

Before he could even think, the floor beneath where he was hiding broke open, and a piece of tnt launched from the crack, exploding right as it hit him.

Ranboo woke up with a gasp as he looked around the room. He was in his home, in the mansion. He was safe. He looked beside him at his husband. What was that memory? Why did he hold so much resentment against his husband?

Ranboo couldn't think clearly. He needed to get out of the mansion. And before he could even think of the repercussions, he felt the world shift, and he teleported outside.

He felt relief as the cold air met his face. Some alone time would be needed... He needed to reflect on that dream.


He knew, for some reason, that he needed to see Dream. But he won't listen to it. But what if its right? What are his memories, anyways?

He looked up at the sky. The moon shone brightly above him. It was still around mid-night. If he left now, he could probably be back before Tubbo wakes up. On his way to see the council, the occasional sight of Endermen in boats erked him, and he began breaking the boats and setting them free.

He continued on his way, and eventually, he jumped down once again into the pit of the hole, facing the council once more.

"Prince! You're back!" Exclaimed the voices.

"Yes, um.. So, you said you needed to tell me something, right?" He asked, almost impatient.

"Yes, yes sir! Your mother-- she's met her demise, young Prince. You are now the King of the End." The sorrowful screeches of the endermen echoed in his mind. Dead? How?

But they continued to speak before he could ask. "A huge flying object, Prince! It came from the skies! She was looking for you, and it came down and killed her! We could never track where it came from!"

He froze. A flying object? From the sky? Surely they couldn't mean the Nukes, right?

"What happened? Can you bring me to where she died?"

"Yes Prince!" They answered in unison, teleporting out of the hole they hid in. And once up on the surface, Ranboo realized the difference between him and them. Their tall, lanky stature was intimidating, almost scary had it not been for the longing smile they had towards their long lost prince.

And so they led their Prince, walked through forests, and to Ranboo's horror, right to the crater created by the nukes. His heart broke, tears threatening to fall as the realization slowly sunk in.

Surely not, right? Surely it had to have been a trick. Surely, his husband would have checked that no one was in the blast radius...

No, no he didnt. He checked that there were no players in the blast radius, but the players here didn't care for mobs like him. They put endermen in boats, trapped them, harvested for enderpearls. They made spider grinders to force these mobs just trying to survive into an endless cycle of death, one after the other, right as they spawned.

And as he stared into the crater before him, he fell to his knees. His husband didn't care about his mother, or any other mob that would be in the radius. No one cared, because to them, they're just mindless creatures.

The council awaited beside him, a comforting aura around them as their purple particles floated freely around. It comforted the Prince.

Before he realized, his mouth ripped open to the size of an enderman, and he screamed. Loud, and much alike that of the screech of the endermen. He screamed, tears running down his face as he gripped the ring on his finger.

He pulled it off, staring through the hole as he held it up to his eye, before screaming as he threw it into the crater. He cried for his mother, his father, for the men he lost, for the people who he couldn't protect...

But not for long. Not anymore.

"...Young Prince?" Questioned one of the Endermen, a hand resting on his shoulder. His cheeks were smoking from the tears, but he let out a soft chuckle once he calmed down.

"...Council, please gather every enderman solider you can find, and take them to the secret lab." He says, pushing himself up with a knee and his hand, standing tall over the Nuke's crater, imagining the horrific damage he could do. Now he understood why he was so trustworthy to Dream.

He dried his tears, before turning to the council. "I think its time we stood against the players who dared abuse our kind."

The council cheered for their King, before moving to do just as he asked. Endermen were unrealistically prominent in this land. An army forming is no small feat, but here?

Its as easy as pretending to still be himself.

He took the memory book from his pockets, quietly staring at the contents. He ripped out each and every page, and on the last page remaining, he wrote one phrase that would suffice.

"I remember."

And he laughed, leaving the book on the ground, before taking his time to head home. Now that he was in control of his enderman form, it was no problem for him to explain why he was out. His eyes changed purple, and he walked monotone and empty as he wandered the SMP. It was a normal night for anyone who saw him, because no one noticed the subtle way Endermen would bow to their Prince.

Soon, it won't be subtle. The first course of action is to turn people against eachother. What better way to do that than to bring back someone who was everyone's enemy.

Bring back someone who was his very best friend.

And as he stood in front of the obsidian prison, he smiled.

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