His Memory

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His hands were shaking as he screamed in agony, the water burning into his skin like acid, melting away at his form. But just before it could do any real harm, the enderman felt the world spin, and he teleported out of the glass tank.

He coughed hard, trying to rid his lungs of any remaining water. But that wasn't the only pain he was met with. His head ached like its been smashed in with a mallet, and he gripped his hands into his soaked hair, his screams echoing down the halls of the stronghold turned laboratory.

Vivid imagery filled his vision. A crown: His crown. A throne room, and thousands of people- No, his people, bowing towards him. The distant sound of cheering from the crowds, and a loving hand on his shoulder.


The, now crowned, Prince Ranboo muttered as he looked to the Queen by his side.

"Yes, honey?" He remembers her voice. How soft it sounded; How comforting it was to hear.

"Dad couldn't make it?" The Prince asked, watching as the mother's smile fell into a look of sorrow. "No, hun. He's still out, trying to save our men stuck in the overworld."

Ranboo smiled. "I hope he gets back soon." His smile was faked, he knew that. But as the crowned Prince, he had to stay strong, for his kingdom, and his mother.

"I hope so too, dear. Now go on, and greet your people."

His eyes snap open with a gasp, and he looked around. His cheeks burned with tears as he panted, looking down at his hands.

White and Black. Unlike what he saw. What happened? How did he get this way?

He looked around his laboratory, before letting out a groan as his headache refused to leave. He stood up with a huff, grabbing a nearby towel and wiping himself off, then quietly picking up his crown and placing it back onto his head.

As it touched him, his vision once again appeared before him; Home.

He wonders why he's here in the first place... Maybe the council can tell him. Was this what they meant when they called him a Prince?

Did they know him?

Did he know them?

~ [ :) ] ~

Ranboo used his trident, launching himself into the air and preparing a water bucket in his other hand. He clutched the landing, the water placing itself on the bedrock as he fell, safely securing his descent.

He looked around; They had to be here somewhere, right? And right he was. The sight of the council caught his eye, and he sprinted towards them.

"Prince!" Called out one of the endermen. "You've returned!"

"Yes, I have.. I need to ask you something." He spoke as he knelt by their camp site. "Of course, Prince. Whatever you need." Another voice complied.

"...Am I really a prince?" He asked, but the council grew quiet. "..Whatever do you mean, Prince Ranboo?" They inquired. "You are our Prince. Even if your skin is different, the same blood runs through our veins."

He smiled a little at the statement. "I.. I see. Thank you. But that isn't what I meant."

The endermen looked lost, so with a hesitant look  he decided to explain.

~ [ :) ] ~

"And... That's why I came to you guys."

They talked amongst themselves for but a moment, before looking again at Ranboo. "Young Prince, it is no wonder that you have been acting strange. If what you say is true, then you must know-"

Before they could speak, however, Ranboo heard the call of his closest friend- Husband, even- Calling from above the L'manhole. "Ranboo!!" He screamed.

And he had to choose. Aid his friend, or learn his past? In a moment of true sincerity and love, he nodded goodbye to his people, and they simply let him go. He was their Prince; He only ever did what was best for their kind.

So he left, the question burning at the back of his mind.

As he landed back on top, he felt sincere horror befall him as he came upon his husband murdering his kind. The screech of the enderman filled his ears, but for now, he would have to pretend not to care. If they found out about his authority, would they still see him the same?

"Boo!!" Exclaimed Tubbo as he ran up and tackled Ranboo to the ground. "Where have you been?? You haven't come home to see Michael in hours!"

"What? Did I spend that long outside?" He muttered almost to himself, but Tubbo just brushed it off. "Come on big man!! Lets go see our son!"

They talked as they ran back for Snowchester. It felt almost childish now to be chanting the kid's name as they sprinted, but he had to keep up the act. This world was foreign, even if he had lived here a long while.

As they arrived, he wondered if his mother would love Michael as much as he did. Even with his memories, he loves his family.

For now.

He smiled, but throughout the entire time with his husband and child, something was bugging the back of his mind. Something that he knew was important.


He'll wonder about it later. For now, he's happy with his family.

His family.

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