Hitting on 16

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Wilbur didnt care much for the people anymore. He'd said his apologies, but he never intended on stopping. Should he? He pondered this question a lot, but he was always put out of his thoughts when he noticed the altered color of his skin, that's decayed and browned over time. He wasn't too bothered by it physically, but its a reminder that irked him to the very core of his being. He had been dead before, and its not very pleasant.

Wilbur thought he didnt care, that is, until a double-colored enderman came stuttering into his life. He acted meek, although he was taller than even Wilbur at full height, being just a few inches smaller because he always slouched. When he spoke, he spoke in quiet, unsure mumbles; It almost hurt with how shy this terrifying creature was. But there was something else that drew Wilbur to him.

"I think you deserve a second chance; I think everyone deserves a second chance."

That hope made Wilbur feel... Hesitant. It was one of the only things that truly surprised Wilbur. And after that, he'd noticed the little things. Techno's subtle smile when he looked Ranboo's way, the way Philza would unconsciously move his broken wing around the tall enderman, how Tubbo and Tommy seemed to both defend and care for Ranboo..

He got curious. He got close, dangerously close for his own liking. He didnt think he cared for anybody, but he didnt exactly think a lot of things through either.

Speaking of the enderman, Wilbur turned his head and looked up, noticing the tall figure walking towards their little van. Originally, he'd been hesitant to be around Ranboo, with their reputation of being "nice" and Tommy's threatening glance when he even tried to touch the boy, but Philza was very convincing.

He shuttered at the thought of his father, before plastering on a smile. At least, he thought it was fake. The genuine happiness in his heart wasnt something he could hide, and everyone could see it; Except him, of course.

He knew why Ranboo looked so anxious, afterall, today was when they would enact their plan! To show Quackity who is truly in power in this world. They'd rigged up a little trap underground, and had placed Quackity's horse onto a pressure plate. And the fun part? It would explode when he stepped off of it. Wilbur shook with excitement as he wrapped his arm around Ranboo's arm, pulling him into a side hug.

Oh how the world was unfair.


Tubbo had been panicking. Not only had his husband been acting wierd, but Dream was on the loose and now Quackity's horse had been stolen by Wilbur! He searched through every place he could think of, but nothing came up from his search. Not until he saw a distant hooded figure, standing over the trees. At first, he was terrified, but the person only glanced at him, before their sword was pointed in a space between the trees.

Tubbo drew his attention there, and he tensed when he saw the distant glow from the ground. He looked to the figure to thank them, but they were already gone when he glanced back. He shivered, both from the fear and the cold, before running towards the light.

As he dug through the ground, he heard the sounds of a horse. He felt a smile appear on his face as he ran into the room, and hugged the boney horse.. Er, tried to. "Thank god I found you!" He exclaimed, before noticing the lead around his neck. He quickly untied it, only to hear a weird noise. He looked down.

Why had he been so reckless? Why did he jump down here so quickly? And why hadnt he vome wearing armor?

The sizzle of the tnt sounded for a moment, but no explosion came. Only one conclusion came to mind.

The second he stepped off this thing, it would blow.

He looked towards Quackity's horse, before pulling some carrots from his pockets. With all his strength, he threw them towards the makeshift staircase and the horse followed the food. He'd escape, it would be okay. Well, for the horse anyways. He just had to wait for someone to come help. Surely, someone would come, right?

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