Eyes of a Brother

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Its not fair.

Its not fair!

The Prince Brothers were known for the fact that they were complete opposites. One was selfish, the other selfless. One was loud and brash, the other meek and shy. But the most important difference was that only one was promised the throne.

Only one was respected by his peers. Only one was gifted with glory.

And yet, the two loved eachother very much. The meek Prince stood up for his brother often, and the proud Prince defended his brother when in battle. It was when their King, their Father, dissapeared, that the rivalry properly began.

As for being two twins, they could not both rule. Only one can become the King. And it came to no surprise when the shy, beloved Prince had won.

But his brother became wrath filled, screaming out in rebellion to their Mother's choice.

"It's not fair!" He screamed, stomping a foot on the endstone brick flooring. "I should be King! Its my right! I deserve it!"

The people grew angered by his words. Him? King? What a joke. Whispers began to erupt from the crowds as the coronation was halted by the Prince's actions. But whispers turn to talking, and talking into screaming, until the crowd yelled at him.

His heart raced, and he sprinted to his brother, stealing the crown, before teleporting off. The whole Kingdom chased him, and they watched in horror as he stoos at the portal to the overworld.

"You'll see! I'll conquer the overworld, and I'll come back with riches and armies! Loyal servants! And then you'll see! I was the one meant to be King, not him!"

"Please, Rey! Think this through! Brother, please!" Crowned Prince Ranboo exclaimed, but his brother laughed in his face.

"One day, Ran, maybe you'd understand. There isnt enough room in this world for both of us."

Neither Ran nor Rey knew what that entailed, but Ran tried to reach to his brother, only to watch in horror as he fell through the portal, lost forever like their father.

"...Rey. I always thought you were best to be King."


Rey awoke with a start, in a strange environment. Tall mountains, green grass, and.. Oh lord.

He screamed in agony as the rainfall finally seemed into his skin, a loud screech that alerted those nearby. The sounds of wings flapping alerted Reybur of the approaching figures. And when he opened his eyes, he saw a shadow of a wing hung over him. But unlike the Enderdragon's, the wing was featherlike. He recalled their father telling them of birds, even bringing home a feather.

"Heya, mate? You okay there?" Questioned the blonde man. Rey struggled to speak, his skin still burnt and his throat aching.

"Its alright, mate. We'll get you somewhere dry. Don't worry, you're safe with us."


And finally he realized, he was surrounded by multiples. One with wings, but smaller than the blonde man's. One with scales and a fish tail. One with transparent skin. One who's body was set aflame, with an umbrella held up and another in his hand.

"Here, Phil. I've got another Umbrella. Should help with the rain until he gets Water Protection." The fire man stated.

Eventually, they found their way inside. After being dried up and given a potion of healing, Reybur could speak again, but his voice was dry and coarse.

"You got a name?" Questioned the avian.

Reybur nodded, before pausing. It was his chance. This world will know him as a King in due time and yet guilt pricked at his eyes. He couldnt mutter his name.

"...Ranboo. My name's Ranboo."

How dare he use his brother's name for such a thing.

"Nice to meet you, Ranboob! Welcome to Origins SMP!"


Ranboo held his crown in his hand, staring at the gemstones. This was the crown prepared for his brother, to be his second in command, to be his right hand man. And yet, he chose to take it to honor his brother.

He felt horrid that he'd forgotten such a thing, but it was not his fault. Dream reassured him multiple times that it wasnt. They didnt know the outcome of ressurecting a mob, afterall.

With a shaky sigh, Ranboo looked up towards the Moon. He wondered, to wherever his brother had gone, maybe they could look up at the moon and pretend they were sitting next to eachother.

Maybe they could pretend to be kids again. Before the war, before their father's death, before the fight.

Before he was gone.


"Is this seat taken?" Dream questioned, making Ranboo look over. Dream returned a genuine smile as Ranboo nodded, shifting a little to give space.

"...Hey, its-"

"Its not my fault for forgetting. I know." Ranboo interrupted him with a slight laugh. "You've told me at least fifty times since we've seen eachother again."

"Well then I need to say it more since you still don't believe me." Dream joked in return. Though, both of them held truth in their words.

Ranboo would never forgive himself for being allies with people who hurt his best friend and his kind.

And Dream would never stop reminding him that it was never his fault to begin with.

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