The Cold War Veteran

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Ryan house

It shows Ryan entering his home after a long day of work while he was placing his bag away he steps further inside of his house and notices one of his window is open as it shows two figures slowly walking behind him.

Yelena: "Ryan Jackson."

Ryan: "AH SHIT!!"

Ryan then grabbed something off from the counter and threw it as Yelena caught it with her hand as Sarah was sitting on the couch of the living room with a smirk on her face.

Yelena: "Hi....."

Ryan: "Who are you and Sarah what are you doing here?"

Sarah: "That my youngest Sister Yelena Ramirez and we need to talk."

Yelena: "Also I made food for us since you were taking so long."

Yelena then walked into the kitchen as Sarah follow her younger sister leaving the Marine confused of what going on. As Ryan followed Sarah and Yelena as they served themselves. While they sat down and began to eat making Ryan look at Sarah and asked her a question.

Ryan: "What do you want."

Sarah: "Relax we want to talk."

Ryan: "Oh yeah? So does break my house seem fine to you"

Yelena: *Acting all offended.* "A, We didn't break anything we are way too talented for that. And B your house system was down. And C stop being so defensive. Okay?"

This made Sarah smirked as the two sister then share happy glances to each others as Ryan then sigh out of stress as he looked at Sarah.

Ryan: "What do you want to talk about?"

Sarah: "Well we need your help. You see our dark past is coming back to hunt us, so we require your help to help us free our brother from Atlas and our father who is in Russia in prison. 

Ryan: "Wait I get to fight the Russian's?"

 Sarah: "Not only that."

Yelena: "You get to fight Assassin who are trained like me and Sarah, Atlas Soldiers, and Red Room Soldiers."

Ryan: "Then what in it for me?"

Sarah: "Well I know you are dating my nieces Weiss."

Sarah then pull out a yellow envelope showing pictures of Weiss and Ryan together as Sarah smirked at the picture that was taken.

Ryan: "Were you spying on me?"

Yelena: "Dose it matter?"

Sarah: "Look if you help us with this. I'll let you take Weiss anywhere without my brother permission, so you could have a nice honeymoon go to an island or even have a sex and stuff."

Ryan took a moment to think as he looked at Sarah having his arm resting in his chin.

Ryan: "So Ramirez won't know that I took Weiss somewhere."

Sarah: "Yes....."

Ryan: "Then it's a deal....."

Yelena: "Yay sis now we got an American soldier on our side. Надеюсь, ему нравится оленина" (I Hope he enjoys reindeer meat.)

Ryan: "Hey I could understand you-" *See breaking news on a TV* "Sarah I think you need to see this."

Sarah looked at Ryan confused as she turned around only to sees someone she knows as he just walked out off the hospital.

Sarah: "Nick?"

Nick on the TV: "There's no politics here. It's just good old-fashioned revenge. There's no Pentagon it just you and me. And on the off chance you're a man here's my home address. 10880 Malibu Point 90265. Send me what you got General."

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