The Family Ramirez Reunions 1/2

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Warsaw Poland

It shows a Charger coming to a stop in the forest as Ryan, Yelena, Sarah, Winter, Weiss and Ramirez got out as they walked to the place where the jet that Sarah order. As they arrived to the place where the jet will be Sarah look unimpressed as the group followed her.

Sarah: "I said we needed a jet."

Mason was sitting on the pilot seat waiting for them as he got off and walk to the group as he spoke up to Sarah.

Mason: "Yeah you know what you didn't give me time. Or money Sarah I'm not made of jets."

Yelena: "I thought you were supposed to be the best."

Ramirez: "Yeah.'

Mason: "Oh I beg your pardon you two was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to you liking?"

Ryan: "Ha!"

Sarah: "Don't let her wind you up."

Mason: "No I take exception to impugning my professionalism"

Sarah: "Well you did set me up with a generator that crapped out after six hours."

Weiss: "You were living in a homestead?"

Ramirez: "Yeah she was......Remember she was on the run>'

Weiss: "Oh..."

Winter: "Well he should got in a good one."

Mason: *Scoffs* "Really....Why am I being teamed up by you guys."

Yelena: "Aw. He sensitive no wonder why you keep him around." 

Yelena walked up the front of the helicopter and released air causing one small spot of the window to fog up as she smiled at this. Before walking away she walked up to Sarah as Mason grabbed the duffle bag out of the chopper.

Sarah: "You got the bag."

Mason: "Yep and your things."

As Mason then unzipped the bag Yelena then see one of the granola bars that was in the bag along with their winter clothes to the place of where they are going. Picking up the granola bar Yelena unwrapped the bar and eat it making Sarah speak up to her little sis.

Sarah: "Oh I stashed that like five years ago."

Yelena: *Eating the bar.* "Hm."

Ramirez: "How is it Sis."

Yelena: "Dry....Really dry."

Ramirez chuckled at this as he helped Winter and Weiss get in the chopper as Ryan look at Sarah wondering what she have plan. Seeing the group enter the chopper Mason walked up to Sarah as the two began to talked. 

Mason: "You know you're getting dangerously close to running out of your tab Sarah. Supplies I can tally buy you are going to bring attention from Atlas authorities all my prices goes up." 

Sarah: "Mason once this is over I will make it up to you and make sure Atlas don't get you arrested by helping."

Mason: "I hope so Sarah good luck friend..."

Sarah: "You too..."

As Sarah finally entering the helicopter Mason helped close the door as he began to leave the area while Sarah and Yelena got in the cockpit of the Helicopter as the two started the engine and flew away. While in the air Ryan in the back look at Sarah and ask her where are they going.

Ryan: "Where are we going?"

Sarah: "Russia one of the Gulag"


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