The Family Ramirez Reunion 2/2

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It then shows the helicopter slowly falling from the sky as it then crashed on an open field. After it crashed to the ground Ramirez opened the door and helped Weiss and Winter off the helicopter as Ryan got off along with Yelena, Sarah, and Alexei. 

As their father looked at the crashed helicopter and then back to his three children as he spoke up to them.

Alexei: "You should've brought the Knights' super jet."

Ryan: "Well this doesn't look like St. Petersburg. Now is it!"

The group then started walking as Yelena walked up to Ramirez and Sarah as they were walking on the dirt road path.

Yelena: "If I hear one more word of your daughter's boyfriend I'll kick him in the face."

Ramirez: "He the worse...."

Sarah: "Come on guys just give him a chance..."

Ramirez: *Groans*

Weiss and Winter look at Ramirez, Yelena, and Sarah talking like there is no problem and seeing the sibling's love for each other.

Winter: "There kind of looked like us when we are younger."

Weiss: "Yes they do sister.."

As the two daughters watched their father and aunts talk to each other Alexei smiled at his two granddaughters he then starts walking towards him as he speaks up to him.

Alexei: "So Ryan...If that your name is how well are you treating my Granddaughter.."

Ryan: "Um I'm treating her well."

Alexei: "Good, Good, Good......So when are you guys going to give me Great Grandchildren...."

Ryan: "Wait what?!"

Ramirez: "Dad no....."

Alexei: *Chuckles* "I'm just messing around with this American come on son"

Ramirez: "Sure......"

As the group continue walking on the dirt path Ryan then look at Sarah and Ramirez as he walked right up next to them. 

Ryan: "So are we close?"

Yelena: "Yeah are we?"

Alexei: "Oh you know we are close" *Pig noises* 


It shows a women guiding the pigs in the small maze with her tablet as she watches the pigs move along finding the exited of the maze. As the pigs finally made it out of the maze this made the mother of the twins smiled as she then move her tablet to the side and pulls out a carrot feeding the pigs.

Mother: "Ah very good darling. Very good."

As she give the pigs a pat in the head and rubbed their back an alarmed went off in her tablet making her sees it as someone just trigger a motion sensor. Checking where the motion was picked up she then see it was a west from as she turned to the right and sighed. Placing the tablet away she then turned to the pigs and guide them back to their homes as she then walk up to one of the sheds opening it as she pulled out a sniper.  

As she took couple steps holding the sniper she then aimed at the direction where the motion sensor was trigger and look through the scope. While looking through the scope the mother then see who triggered it as Yelena, Sarah, Alexei, Weiss, Winter and Ryan walking along the dirt path. Seeing that group walking in the dirt path the mother then smiles seeing Sarah and Yelena again not till she look downs seeing a red dot on her chest and chuckled knowing who that is.

Mother: "Nice job.......Ramirez......"

It shows Ramirez in the dirt path standing behind the group as Ryan looked at him confused seeing him having his sniper out pointed at the direction where the farmhouse is.

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