Is she alright? - all

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You are enjoying a sunny day with Måneskin, but not realizing how long you've been in the sun.


It was sunny day at Rome, I was enjoying myself in the huge backyard of Måneskin's mansion, where they were chilling before heading to the tour. I saw Vic walking to my sunbed from terrace, Chili running in her feet.
  "Where are the boys?" I asked curiously as Victoria took a seat next to me.
  "Oh, I guess they're making some drinks indoors, they'll be there in any minute", she said with a smirk as we both laid in the sun.

I got lost in my thoughts again. I was so proud of my friends, who had just won Eurovision and are now taking over the world, but I felt small wave of loneliness going through me as I thought about the lonely summer as they were on tour.
I had been friends with the band for long, but I wasn't going to the tour with them, as it was their achievement, not mine. But I definitely won't miss any concerts they have near here.
I started feeling tired and dizzy. It had been a long day under the hot sun, but I wanted to enjoy summer at its best, just like the time with the band.

  "Hey ragazze! Want some drinks?" I heard Damiano's soothing voice nearby and opened my eyes a bit to see Vic jumping up of the sunbed. I tried to let my eyes focus on the brightness as I slowly get up.
  "Y/n come and join us!" Thomas shouted from the small table next to the pool. I smiled at them as I reached for my sunglasses. As I finally stand straight, I felt a wave of nausea hit me. I tried to catch my breath and walked towards the table as calmly as I could.

   I took a seat next to Ethan and reached for my glass. I was just about to open my mouth to ask what boys had put into the glasses, but Thomas interrupted me.
  "Ohh, it's so hot today. I feel like going to the pool for a moment. What about you?" he asked the boys and got up from his seat.
  "Well.." Damiano got up as well. "I don't know about myself but I heard that you'd want to do so. So let me help you a bit," he said slowly and pushed Thomas to the pool without proper explanation.
I watched Thomas getting into surface and Damiano and Victoria laughing in the edge of the pool.
  "You asshole! What was that for?!" he shouted from the pool, looking angrily at Damiano.
  "What? You said you wanted to get there so I helped a bit as good friends do" he explained innocently and jumped into the pool as well, Vic following him.

Now only ones in the table was me and Ethan, who was looking at his friends playing around in the pool.
  "I think I'll go as well, will you come y/n? he asked politely as getting in the edge of pool, looking at me, his hair on a cute bun at the top of his head.
  "N-no, I'll sit here for a moment" I said, trying to sound normal as my head still felt dizzy. Ethan looked at me bit worried but went to the pool as well.

   I watched them for a moment and decided to finally drink something. Maybe it would help. I was panting and sweated heavily. I reached to the only full glass on the table, not knowing exactly what it was, I drank it.
   It tasted bit tart but sweet. But it definitely didn't help me feel better. My head started hurt and everything felt so bright suddenly. I rested my head on my hands, closing my eyes. I heard voices, but they echoed somewhere far away and I just hoped they could stay quiet.
   I got up without thinking anything, and fell painfully back to my knees on the hard stone. I let out a loud gasp, my ears started ringing and drowned every other voice under it. I was hot and sweating constantly as the dizziness and heat took over me and everything went blank.

Ethan's POV

I was swimming in the pool slowly, watching the clear sky. Thomas, Vic and Damiano had finally stopped splashing water to each other and they swam next to me.
  "Didn't y/n come?" Damiano asked straight away.
  "No, she seemed bit.. weird. How long she has been outside?" I asked worriedly as I glanced to y/n who was reaching to her glass.
  "Aww, our sweet boy is taking care of everyone," Victoria said smirking.
  "No, really! It's not good to be outside for too long in the heat like that! I said angrily and glared Vic.
  I turned around and saw y/n resting her head in her hands, looking pretty sick. I started swimming to the opposite edge of the pool, reaching for her.
  "Y/n! Y/N! Are you alright? Y/n? I shouted as my band mates followed me finally taking the situation seriously.
  I saw y/n getting up quickly and falling immediately on her knees on the ground.

   Damiano rushed past me and jumped off the pool, reaching to y/n right after her head hit the ground. Damiano fall to his knees behind her and I rushed to her side as well, Thomas and Vic following me.
  "Is- is she alright?" Thomas asked quietly, squatting next to Damiano.
   Damiano pulled his hand to y/n's forehead, looking truly worried.
  "She's burning hot", he whispered.
  "We have to get her inside! Now!" I shouted as Damiano immediately lifted her in his arms and headed indoors, others following behind.

  "Put her on the sofa, Thomas get something cold, ice, towel, anything. Vic get water for y/n"  I listed and they headed straight to kitchen as Damiano laid y/n on the sofa.
  "We have to get those clothes off and get her something cold" I said as I reached to her and pulled her tank top and shorts off together with Damiano. She was now on her underwear, and Thomas finally come with bags filled with ice and wet towels.

I took the towels and placed them around her body with ice. And took step back, waiting for her to wake.
  "So, what's wrong with her?" Victoria asked worriedly, sitting next to her in the sofa.
  "She was most likely too long in the sun. She should've come inside for a moment," I explained.


I felt myself very cold. I had no idea what had happened. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing fuzzy figures sitting around me, someone's hand rubbing my back. I moved myself a bit, feeling pleasantly cold after all the heat.
  "Y/n! How do you feel? Do you need something?" I heard Damiano's concerned voice behind me. I opened my eyes, realizing I was inside, on my underwear only, wrapped in cold blankets. Ethan staring into my eyes, looking very distressed.
  "Y-yeah.. I'd like.. water" I said slowly, my mouth very dry. Someone got up from the sofa and I saw Vic giving a glass of water to me.
  "Don't worry y/n! Now it's only water!" Thomas smirked and I drank it all.
  "How do you feel? Do you feel nauseous? Should we go to the hospital?" Ethan started asking as he reached to my forehead checking was I colder now.
  "N-no, I feel good.. What happened?" I asked feeling Damiano's hand on my back again.
  "You had been too long outside and fainted. Heatstroke." Damiano explained behind me, looking relieved.
  "Are you sure you're all right y/n? Tell me immediately if you feel bad and we'll go to the hospital," Ethan said.
  "You really scared us!" Vic sighed next to me.
  "No, I'm all fine now.. Thank you guys.." I said thankfully as they started to hustle around. Damiano said something about making food and got up.

  Only Ethan was left next to me. He quietly took out bandage and wrapped it gently around my head that I had obviously hit on the ground and landed another glass of water next to the sofa.
  "Thanks, Edgar" I whispered with a pure smile on my face.
  "No worries y/n, I'll leave you here for a moment. I better watch out Damiano won't burn the whole kitchen!" He apologize and headed to kitchen, smiling at me before leaving.

- - -

Woah.. 1400+ words there..
Leave a comment what do you think! This is my first oneshot ever, and my first fanfic in english. I also wrote this in the middle of the night, and didn't have time to read it through, so there might be mistakes.
Gn <3
- A

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