Don't leave me pt 2 - d.d

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(i can't add pic in this wth?)
Second part of 'Don't leave me':
Tw: hospital, nothing else ig <3

The light was so bright. It felt like watching the sun. And his eyes were even closed. Damiano felt just tearing pain in his head and side. All he could feel was the light around him.
  His mind was blurry. What had happened?

He laid down for minute, or an hour, he really couldn't tell. Quiet voices echoed in his mind as he moaned slightly. He felt sudden quietness. Damiano tried to open his eyes, even with the excruciating brightness.

It took him a moment to realize it was a hospital bed he was laying on with people circling around him. Pathetic whimper escaped his lips and he closed his eyes again.

"Hi y/n. Missed me?"
  "Your girl won't manage this easily"...

   " You dirty slut.."

   "NO! Hold on..."

   Damiano opened his eyes in a flash as flash backs hit him and he remembered what had happened. He quickly sat up and watched around, grabbing his bandaged side as it hurt incredibly, but pressing it was a complete mistake and he softly cried out.
  A kind-looking nurse come over and pushed him back in the bed gently.
   "Take it slow, you suffered quite a bad blood loss" she said quietly.
   "You hit your he-" she continued.
   "What.. what about her" Damiano breathed out and looked around desperately. His head stinging incredibly.

  The nurse turned to him with a sad smile in her face.
  "Don't worry Mr. David. She'll be alright" she said softly while handing a pain killer to him.
He didn't touch it as he waited for details. He needed to see her. He needed to know how she was. How she had survived it all.

  The nurse sit in the chair next to Damiano's bed, who whimpered lightly as he laid back, world shaking in his eyes.

  "She broke several ribs, which caused her lung to collapse. We already did the operation to stabilize it. She also got hit in the head that I assume you already knew since you were found together. She's got a concussion, just like you did, but you're both stable.

  Damiano squeezed bedsheets without noticing and checked around him.
  "I want to see her" he said and slowly got up when the nurse moved a bit. When his foot touched the ground, his vision swim for a moment.

The nurse grabbed him and sat him back in the bed.
  "Mr. David you must be very careful. You got slightly stabbed on the side, which caused blood-loss. Thank God it wasn't bad, if the person had hit you more strongly, you would've died. You can come to see her but you need to be calm with yourself to not hurt yourself more, clear?" she told him with a strict face. Damiano nodded slowly and followed the nurse to the next room.

  He almost tripped when he got inside and slowly walked to her bedside, tears burning his eyes.

  Y/n looked so fragile. Laying there as pale as the bedsheets. Damiano saw a bandage going over her torso and big bruise over her left eye. All the tubes around her made Damiano feel nauseous.

  He walked next to you and grabbed your cold hand in his own and squeezed it, fighting back tears. He heard the door closed as nurse left them alone.

  "I'm sorry cucciolina" Damiano whispered and caressed your hand.
  "Dami..?" slight whisper escaped y/n's lips as she briefly opened her eyes.
   "Don't worry bella, I'm here" he whispered back and stroked her forehead. Y/n opened her eyes slowly and saw Damiano's hazel eyes looking at him, tears glistening in them.

  "How... how did you make it.." she whispered with a broken voice as Damiano kissed her hand.
  "H-how did you escape?" she whimpered quietly.
   "Shh, don't worry bella. We're safe now, we'll be fine, I promise" he whispered and tear escaping his eye as Damiano remembered when he had last time promised for everything to be fine.

  Damiano caressed her hand and looked worriedly at y/n's chest, which raised and lowered irregularly. You noticed the staring and tried to breathe right.

  Tear slipped down your cheek.
  "It's so hard to breathe.." you moaned softly and grabbed his hand in pain. Damiano squeezed your hand and looked into your eyes.
  "It's alright bambina, I'll ask a nurse here." he said softly.
  "No.. don't. What- what happened?" you asked slowly, eyes locking into his, breath trembling in her lips.

  Damiano sighed and pressed another kiss on your forehead.
  "You broke ribs and it punctured your lung, I assume that's why it's hard to breathe. And you got concussion and bruises" he listed and looked sadly in your eyes, despair filling them.

  "Im so sorry bambina. I should've protected you. I should've listened you and leave. I'm so sorry". His voice broke and his whole expression was full of repentance.

  "No amore, don't be like this." you looked at him and raised your hand to wipe his tears away.
  "You saved me" you whispered. And Damiano looked at you softly, tears falling down his face.

  "What he did... what happened to you?" you asked him softly. Damiano looked away for a moment and caressed very lightly his stinging side while turning back to you. He opened his mouth but couldn't get the words out.

  You got lost in your own thoughts.
  "He had a knife.." you whispered and Damiano looked at you but avoided your eyes.
  "He stabbed you.. didn't he?" you said with a trembling voice and your tears streamed again, pain in your chest pressing you down.

Damiano nodded slowly and raised his eyes to watch into yours.
  "Don't worry piccola, I'm okay, it's not bad, really. We should be worried about you" he said slowly.
  "I'll be alright, they said it as I woke for a brief moment before they gave me the anesthetic. I need to know will you be?" you mumbled. Damiano squeezed your hand and gave you a light smile.

  You squeezed your eyes shut as your chest burned again. Tears falling your cheeks. You gasped for air as Damiano jumped up to call the nurse for you. He sat next to you again and stroked your arm.
  "She'll come" he said with a loving look in his eyes.

  You turned to Damiano as your pain become tolerable and he bent over you, giving you a slight hug.
  "I love you" you whispered to him and grabbed your tired hand around him.

  Damiano was aware of your chest and didn't touch it at all when he got up and kissed you again.
  "I love you too bella, we'll make it out of this together.


This was bit rushed but warmed my heart at least. This was second and last part for 'Don't leave me'. I hope you're pleased with it.
I'll start a whole book soon, and I'm very excited for that! But first there might be more oneshots <3

- A

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