Sleepyhead - all

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Y/n's POV 

  I was yawning, since I had studied to the early hours of morning and slept over my alarm. I tried to pack my handbag while eating a sandwich. I was in a hurry, once again. My close friends, members of Måneskin, were having a band practice for their soon released single 'Touch Me", and Victoria had asked me to come and watch them play.

  I hurriedly grab my keys and run out to wind and rain, where Ethan was waiting to pick me up.
"Scusami Ethan, I'm late again I tried to be on time but I had to study and-" I started to apologize.
"Oh what an idiot you are" he said dramatically with a smirk. I turned looking at him shocked but he was just laughing.
"Don't worry y/n! We're alright!" he said as we drove down the street. I was lost in my thoughts as I watch outside the window, Ethan humming and clapping the steering wheel with the song that's coming from radio. I see us turning to the familiar street and we jump out of the car.

I wave at others when I come to their recording room. I sit on the comfy armchair, watching them getting ready.
"I need to adjust my guitar a bit" Thomas says from the back. Damiano and Victoria seem to be ready, and Ethan's setting his drums.
"Y/n have you even seen the lyrics yet?" Victoria asks suddenly.
"N-no I haven't, how could I?" I laughed back at her as she throws the words to me.
"Hey! How am I supposed to sing when our audience has my words?" Damiano asks, arms crossed, looking at Vic with sarcastically angry face.
"Oh, our frontman should know his words at this point" Vic teases, poking him gently with her elbow.
"Ooh, Vic is so annoying, I should kick her out of the bandd" Damiano starts singing, his eyes closed.
"Y/n maybe you should teach him the lyrics?" Vic says with a huge sigh, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, Damiano it starts with 'watch me, watch me..." I laugh as I get up and give the words to him. Damiano throws a murderous glance to me.
"Alright, are you ready teasing each other? We should start" Ethan says from the corner, where he sits behind his drums.
"Yeah feel free" I say as I sit back to the armchair, making myself comfortable.

Everyone starts to play and Damiano takes some dance moves before grabbing the mic.
  "Watch me, watch me.." he starts. I close my eyes to listen to his raspy voice. I look at Ethan, who is beating his drums in an amazing speed, hair messily hanging down his face. I stared at him and felt something weird in my stomach. He looked.. hot. So hot.
  Suddenly I realized I was staring at him and turned to watch Vic playing his bass and moving around in the small area. I close my eyes and listen to their playing. Blackness behind my eyes felt so soothing, I hadn't sleep all night for so long... I felt tiredness over me and fell into the comfy darkness.

"Y/n?" I heard laughing voice somewhere far ahead and suddenly it got louder and I felt brightness behind my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to get used to the bright, I heard laughing and saw four people in front of me.
"Were we that bad our audience fell asleep?" Damiano asked in disbelief. I saw their faces right in front of me, Damiano and Vic in the front, Ethan's face straight in front and Thomas in the back.
"N-no.. I- what happened? Did I-" I stammered.
"Yes you fell asleep. We need excuse." Vic said politely, trying to hide her laughter.
"I- I was tired, I studied last night"
"Bella you should study during the day", Thomas said, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah.. yeah I know... Have you finished already?" I asked, I'd really want to see their performance.
"For today, yes" Ethan said, getting up in front of me. Everyone else also got up and I followed them.
  "I can drive you home" Ethan offered and I smiled at him.
  "Yeah.. um, maybe next day again?" I asked.
  "We have practice tomorrow as well, if you ask that" Ethan said pensively, sitting next to me on driver seat.
  "Oh, I'll- I'll come then?" I suggested as I got out of the car in front of my house.
  "Yeah, remember to sleep this night!" He said with a small smile as he drove away, waving to me.

- - -

This was shorter one today, and no angst! I really wanna write something angsty now if you're not sick of it. And the pic above this capter, it's perfect!! It was the only reason i wrote this lmao. Imagine waking up with them watching you like that

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