Time off

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After a whole night of waiting, Lyric finally gets his own Dynamax Band for his new Grimmsnarl buddy! From there, they continued to explore, especially in the Wild Area to catch even more Pokémon. Lyric's next contest was coming up soon, and I'm the Hoenn region. It was a long flight from Galar to Hoenn, but they would make it in a day or two.

Lyric was preparing everything for his contest as he ate curry that Sora made with his Pokémon, enjoying it thoroughly.

Lyric: Say, Sora? What makes battling so fun for you?

Sora: Hm? I haven't thought about that.

Lyric: You haven't?

Sora: Not really. A lot of other people from my hometown became trainers, so I thought I should too.

Lyric: So you just jumped onto a bandwagon? Lame.

Sora: Not all of us can know what we want like you, Lyric.

Lyric: Still, wasn't there something that tipped you into the idea? Other than going along with everyone else?

Sora: Hmm... I guess...I wanted to travel. To see the world. That kind of thing.

Lyric: Pfft. Okay, grandpa.

Sora: Shut it, or I'll feed your curry to Sally.

Lyric: Eep! Please don't..!

Sora: ...

Lyric: ...

After some silence, the two began laughing together, as Sora sat at the table next and feed his own Pokémon.

Sora: Your contest is next week, right? Who do you plan on doing for it?

Lyric: No idea. Not yet, anyway. Oh yeah, do you have any more tournaments you can do? To rise higher?

Sora: Not that I've heard. But there was something in Hoenn that caught my eye. But that's not in a few weeks, so we have time. Let's get some sleep early so we can leave early. We don't want to cut it too close to the contest date.

Lyric: Yeah, I think you're right. Okay. Then I'll be in my tent if you need me.

With that, Lyric stands from the ground and crawls into his tent, Amber following him closely.

Sora: Good night. I'll be out here a while longer.

As Lyric went to sleep, Sora sat on the grass as he looked up into the sky, Fast the Pincurchin nudging up to him gently.

Sora: Do you think Chibi is doing good out there, Fast...?

Fast: Pin...

Sora: I hope so too...

As the two stared at the starry sky, they ended up falling asleep themselves very soon.


The next morning, the pair of trainers make for Hoenn, as Lyric put himself into serious thinking mode to try and figure out what to do in the upcoming contest, Sora was reading up about the event in Hoenn. Apparently, it was for Hyper Class and above, so he couldn't participate even if he wanted to. So for now, he would focus on battling other trainers in the coronation series scattered around.

In a few hours time, the pair land in Hoenn, and quickly make their way to Lilycove City, home of the biggest contest hall in the region. Lyric wanted to head there early to scope out the competition, and sighs.

Lyric: Well, this is lovely...

Sora: What's up? Is Reese here, or something?

Lyric: No, she's in Sinnoh right now. I'm more scared of him...

Lyric shows Sora who he was talking about.

Sora: Wallace? I thought you weren't afraid of Water types?

Lyric: Not usually, no... But this is Wallace, we're talking about! He's the best here in Hoenn!

Sora: Wait, he does contests?

Lyric: Yeah. Why, you didn't know that?

Sora: I always thought he was a Gym Leader.

Lyric: What? That's crazy. There's no way.

???: There is, young man.

Lyric: EEP!!

Lyric almost jumps out of his chair, as Wallace had approached them silently and heard everything.

Lyric: M-Mister Wallace...!?

Wallace smiled.

Wallace: Sorry for startling you. I just couldn't help but recognize you. Lyric the Trap-Star, correct? From Unova?

Lyric: You've heard of me...?

Wallace: Of course. You've made quite a splash for yourself, using unusual Pokémon types for your contest performances. Who hasn't heard of you at this point?

Lyric: I guess it is really strange...

Wallace: I think it's wonderful. Gorgeous, even.

Lyric: You do...?!

Wallace: Yes. You are probably the only person who is willing to use these Pokémon for contests, and your dedication and talent to the arts of performing is quite honestly astounding. Oh, and who might this man be?

Sora: Sora Mitsukata. I'm in the World Coronation Series. The battling one.

Wallace: Ah, I see! I've heard wonders of you too. And are you two traveling together?

Lyric: Yes, we are.

Wallace: A battle champion and a star coordinator... What an interesting pair you two make. I'm expecting great things. I hope to perform with you soon.

With that, Wallace walks off to get ready for his performance tomorrow.

Lyric slumps over the table with a sigh.

Lyric: I was hoping to sit this one out and just observe, but now I kind of have to participate...

Sora: Hm. Sounds like you got yourself into a pickle.

Lyric: Yeah...

While Lyric lays on the table, he suddenly comes up with an idea.

Lyric: Hey Sora, can I borrow Fast for tomorrow?

Sora: What are you thinking?

Lyric: Well...

Lyric tells Sora his opening act, as he nods and smiles.

Sora: Okay. I think I can do that.

Lyric: Awesome! Thanks! I only give my best!

Sora: Then maybe we should get practicing for tomorrow.

Lyric: Yeah! Okay, to the forest!

With that statement, the pair go out to practice Lyric's opening performance.

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