A Vermillion City Encounter

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Contest Star Lyric is on his way to his first Contest for the World Coronation Series in the Kanto Region. Looking over the railings from the boat he was riding, Amber bit the end of his jacket, to make sure he didn't fall overboard.

Lyric: I can see it, Amber! Just over the horizon!

The excited boy smiled wide, and runs to the front of the boat to get a better look.

Lyric: I can't wait...! I've never been to the Kanto Region before.

The Dusk Lycanroc huffs. He didn't like the ocean very much.

Lyric: We'll be off soon. Don't worry.

Lyric pets his Pokémon, and very soon, the boat comes to a stop and pulls into the port of Vermillion City. Lyric puts a leash on Amber, and they walk off the boat together. Once they touch dry land, Amber bolts forward, dragging the small male with him.

Lyric: Woah! Calm down Amber!

No response. He was too excited to listen. From above, a small black ball flew over them, and a voice called out.

???: Okay Fast! Use Protect!

The black ball turned out to be a Pokémon. A Pincurchin to be precise. The small spike ball puts up a barrier, causing Amber to crash into it, stopping him.

Lyric: Are you okay, Amber?

The wolf barked in response, and licked his trainer's face. Lyric turns around, and sees a taller male walk passed him to pick up the small black Pokémon.

Lyric: Thank you. I never would've been able to stop him.

Sora: No problem. You might want to get a better handle on your Pokémon. Otherwise, he won't listen to you in battle.

Lyric: Battle? Oh, I'm not that kind of Trainer. I'm a Coordinator. Amber here is my partner. Is that your Pokémon?

Sora: Yeah. Fast the Pincurchin. Oh, and I'm Sora.

Lyric: Sora? The super strong Trainer from Sinnoh who's competing in the World Series?

Sora: Yup, that's me.

Lyric: I'm Lyric! I'm sure you heard of me?

Sora: Nope.

Lyric: What? Really? I'm kind of a big deal.

Sora: Really. Also...what's a Coordinator?

Lyric: ...oh. That makes more sense.

(Lyric sighs.)

Lyric: Well, anyway, thanks for stopping Amber. I should be going, so good luck with whatever you're doing.

Sora: See you around, I guess.

Lyric runs off with Amber to the nearest Pokémon Center. He then went to the Poké Mart to buy items and supplies for the journey to Saffron City just up north where the contest was taking place in two days time


Sora didn't stop anywhere. He just walked up through the route until sundown came around. Without much in his bag, he had no choice but to carry on, having Fast rest on his head. He eventually went hungry, and came upon Lyric's camp.

Sora: You're that girl from Vermillion.

Lyric: Uh, yeah? I remember you from Vermillion, but last I checked, I'm not a girl.

Sora: Excuse me?

Lyric: I'm a boy.

Sora: .....

After a moment of awkward silence, Sora does a small bow.

Sora: Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Lyric: Oh, it's okay. I actually get that a lot.

Sora: Parent's genetics?

Lyric: Actually, I consciously make myself like this. I mean, I do have a baby face, and I am pretty short, but I know what I'm doing.

Sora: So you're a crossdresser...? Definitely one of the best I've seen.

Lyric: I prefer Trap, but I guess that works too.

After a bit more silence, Sora's stomach growls loudly, begging for food.

Sora: Do you mind...?

Lyric: Oh, not at all. Come sit. I made too much for myself anyway.

Sora: Thank you.

On his permission, Sora sits next to Lyric and starts to eat the food he cooked.

Sora: Woah...

Lyric: What?

Sora: This is good. Are you a professional chef?

Lyric: No. Like I said, I'm a Coordinator.

Sora: Oh yeah. What is that, anyway?

Lyric: You seriously don't know? I perform in Pokémon Contests with my Pokémon to show off their appeal and beauty. Have you never seen a Contest?

Sora: They didn't sound very interesting to me. If I can't battle, then I get bored.

Lyric: I guess there's logic behind what you said, but you've never watched at all?

Sora: Nope.

Lyric: Then why don't you watch me in Saffron?

Sora: Saffron? I was just heading there myself.

Lyric: Great! Then let's travel there together, and you can watch your first ever Contest!

Sora: I'm not going there to sightsee. I'm going to participate in a tournament.

Lyric: I know, but that's not in a week. If we walk all day tomorrow, we'll reach Saffron by sunset. Then we can rent a hotel, and you can watch the contest. After that, I'll go and watch your tournament, and even be your personal cheerleader.

Sora: Hm...

With some thought, Sora nods.

Sora: Sure. I guess it couldn't hurt to watch.

Lyric: Yay! Okay. Let's turn in early so we can wake up early for our walk there!

Sora: Sure.

With that, the two ate Lyric's cooking, and went to bed. The very next day, upon the sunrise, the two males continues their way to Saffron City.


To be continued...

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