CHAPTER SIX: By your side.

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Addison's POV:
I frantically ran to ICU hoping she was there and found bailey who had just finished charting, I ran up to her and catched my breath as I stood in front of the woman who was shocked upon seeing me.

"Is she? What happened?" I was panting infront of bailey and was terried while waiting for her to answer my question.

"See for yourself" Miranda leaned back at the counter of the ICU station, looking back at the room of Meredith who was resting peacefully.

"Thankfully her injuries were not that bad, A small hematoma that derek fixed, I fixed up her abdomen and owen arranged her organs back again with the help of richard and we stitched her back up" Bailey looked back at me, I knew that looked, She knows that I care for the woman.

I went inside her room and sat at the chair behind her bed, I could see her bare face with bruises in them, Her head was wrapped in white bandage and a tube to help her breath, because of her abdomen being ruptured they wanted to make sure she could breath by herself so they intubated her for a while.

A few hours has come by and I had just been watching her when my pager rang and scared the hell out of me, I answered the page and walked towards the door, I looked back at Meredith before leaving the room.

I had finished my shift and after Meredith's crash last night, I couldn't help but think to myself to stay and monitor her closely, but I went and cleaned myself up, A few minutes later I walked down the hallway to catch the elevator, When a guy sticked his hand out to hold the door for me..Derek.

"Hey." He greeted me with a smile.

"Hi" I greeted him back, I was tired so I didn't want to talk, Sometimes even a simple greet can already cause a conflict between the two of us.

"So uhmm, You're staying here or?" He asked me with a confused look plastered against his face.

"I'll hand you the divorce papers the sooner I get them from your lawyer, I wouldn't want to distract you here in seattle" The elevator door opened and I stepped out as fast as I can, leaving a shocked derek behind.

I headed to the parking lot and was about to get in my car when the thought of Meredith came across me again, I then stopped from opening the door of my car and stood there for half a minute.

*Why would I want to stay with her? Is this a friendship thing? Do I really consider her as my friend? Why am I worried?* I then snapped back to reality and locked my car again, I went back inside the hospital to check on Meredith.

I arrived at her room and found interns sitting by her bed side, They all looked at me the exact same time, all of them looked confused at the sight of me, I took a deep breath in and went inside the room.

"She still hasn't woke up?" I asked the interns who barely was awake, I could tell that they were all tired from their shifts and taking care of their friend, They didn't go home last night, so none of them had sleep.

"Not yet, Dr. Shepherd said that it might be the head trauma, but we're still going to monitor her" A raspy voice from izzie who has one eye opened answered me and went back to lean against the wall.

A few minutes had passed and Dr. Bailey came in the room, She looked at the interns and stared at them.

"Rounds in ten, you go and clean all yourselves up" They stared at Meredith and not wanting to leave her side.

"I'll stay, you guys go ahead" I went inside and stared at the blonde who still hasn't woke up.

"Dr. Bailey! Please let me stay!" Cristina asked for Dr.Bailey's permission, I know that she doesn't trust me because of all the mistress thing before.

"I got her Dr. Yang, I'll update you once there's news about her, I won't leave." I assured her and that made her let go a deep breath and left the room.

I sat by the chair once again that was placed at Meredith's bedside, I placed my things down and took my coat off to place it on the back of the chair,
I took Meredith's hand in mine, I just wanted to comfort her and let her know she's not alone, Her hand was pale and cold.

"I don't know what's something about you that keeps telling me to know you more, not just by Derek's ex-girlfriend or the dirty mistress, but as Meredith. Something's pulling me close to you and I want to know what it is, so please wake up, I need you." I suddenly fell asleep holding Meredith's hand.


Meredith's POV:
I woke up and felt pain all over my body, The last thing I remembered was losing consciousness in my car after the crash..I looked around and with the door and windows, I could tell that I was lying in a hospital bed, I couldn't move that much, But I was comforted by a hand placed in mine, I thought I would be seeing cristina but the sight shocked me.

Addison was sleeping beside me holding my hand, I could tell from her messy hair and messed make up that she still hasn't got any sleep, I tried to move down to get near her and once I did, I sunked back in my bed enjoying the sight of a sleeping addison.

*It's really her, She's here beside me, but why would she do that? I think to myself, I then tucked in some of her red strands in her ear revealing her beautiful cheeks and jawline, I stroked her hair and kept focusing at her beautiful sleeping face.

"Meredith?" A soft waking voice came from her and immediately fixed herself up to check on me.

"Hey there" I could barely get a voice out of my throat, Everything hurts like hell.

"You were in a crash but Bailey, Richard, Derek, and Owen fixed you, They intubated you last night but took it off a few hours after because you can already breathe on your own." Addison breaths in and looked at me, I could tell from her voice that she was panicking and was worried.

"Calm down, I'm doing better..I just feel pain all over my body." I told her while fixing myself up. She helped me be comfortable and then she paged Dr.bailey to come see me.

Bailey arrived at my room with cristina behind her and went in to check on me.

"Hey there stranger" I greeted cristina, I could see tears well up in her eyes and I reached out for her hand and held on it tightly.

"Such a fighter Grey." Bailey commended me and went to check my monitor.

Addison gathered up her things and shot me a smile before leaving the room, I smiled back at her and watched her leave her way out.

"Vital signs and bp is stable, but we'll still watch you closely Grey, You're still a possible candidate for post-op complications." Bailey reminded me.

"I'll leave you two behind." Bailey left the room, leaving me with cristina who looked so worried.

"Hey, I'm fine" I patted the space beside me, telling her to cuddle beside me, she jumped in my bed and I immediately placed my head on her shoulder.

"You know, you scared the hell out of me!" She said with her annoyed voice looking down at me.

"I'm still here" I shruggred my shoulder and looked back at her.

"Was Addison..Dr. Montgomery here all night?" I suddenly asked cristina, I just wanted to know why she stayed with me.

"She was the one who received you when you were brought here, She was the one reviving and giving you all the things you need in the trauma room, After the night of the crash she went back her even after her shift and stayed with you, She monitored you all day Mer." Cristina looked at me waiting for a response after her emotionally delivering the story.

"She's Amazing." I told cristina who looked shocked and confused, but I know that she loved and appreciated Addison's Concern, the way she told me how Addison took care of me, I know she appreciated her too.

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