Kiss him, not me

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This anime caught me off guard, and there are a few serious issues I'd like to address.

Although i JUST watched the whole thing in one go now, I've completely forgotten all the names, so bear with me as i use hair colours and whatnot.

The main character, a blue haired girl, starts off plus size, which is fine obviously, but what i don't like about it was that 5/6 of her simps only really liked her when she was thin.

The only one that liked her before she was skinny was a green haired rich girl who enjoyed the same stuff as her.

But that 'stuff' is kind of messed up... she has a really bad obsession with bl (boys love) and i feel that they over romanticise gay men, or men getting with other men.

Although I'm almost certain that the green haired girl had to at least be bi, I'm not sure the mc even liked girls, but perhaps she did as she went on a date with her.

But basically, she has a really bad issue with the fetishization of men in gay relationships.

At one point she puts on weight, and two out of her 5 simps(6 later on) really don't like it when she puts the weight back on, and gets her to lose it by doing romantic things with each other every time she loses weight.

However, the green haired rich girl does the opposite, she loves the blue haired girl fat or skinny, and actually fed her lots of food, just wanting to see her happy.

In one of the episodes, they kiss, and green haired girl lays on her lap, however to show how the boys were supposed to pose for a photo shoot.

After the green haired girl said it was a joke, buttttttttttt obviously that changed as she fell inlove with the blue haired girl.

In my opinion, i didn't really like any of the pairings that were in the show for a multitude of reasons.

For starters, green hair x blue hair. They only really connected over ships and the fetishization of gay males.

Second off, grey haired boy that was a little younger x blue haired girl. He didn't like her when she put the weight back on, and was one of the boys to do romantic things with the other boy to get her to lose weight. He even went as far to say that one of the boys was blind when he realised that after he still liked her after she put on weight. (although that boy did only start to like her after she lost the weight the first time)

Thirdly, the blonde boy x blue haired girl. I absolutely despise this one. Although as the series progressed he got nicer, his first impression will never wear off. The only thing that made me even CONSIDER this, was how nice he was to his sister, and how good he was with kids. Not to mention he seemed SLIGHTLY more genuine along the way with his feelings.

In fourth place, the black haired boy x blue haired girl. This one was actually one of the better ships. He is way more respectful towards her when she is plus sized, and even realised he didn't care about her looks when she put the weight on again. But, i just didn't seem to enjoy this ship very much. It definitely reaches the standard of a decent ship, sometimes there is just relationships you don't really like as much as another that might be similar.

Fifth place is brow haired boy with green eyes x blue haired girl. I like this one a lot better. At first he doesn't understand romantic attraction, but she some how opens him up, and he falls for her, but very late on in the series. before that, he just thought they were friends, and was oblivious to the rivalry between the simps. i think he would've been the best match for her. But again, she fetishizes gay males. It's hard to really feel comfortable shipping someone like that.

Sixth place is the priors brother x blue haired girl. NO. NO. AND NO. He is a teacher at the school, and he says "which one are you dating *little brothers name that i forgot*" something in between "Don't be silly, I'd sleep with all of these people without a doubt." "gender and all those small details don't matter when it comes to love." then he starts pursuing blue haired girl and is EXTREMELY weird and gives me major pedo vibes.

All of this aside, there is even a hint of incest in this show. blonde guys little sister says she wants to MARRY him. 

Why would the script writers even add that in? It was so unnecessary and kind of creepy. 

Altogether, this show is a little bit good, and a whole lot of 'What the actual fuck...?'.

My rating is a 4.5/10

Watch it if you want, or don't. I don't really care, but just be careful with the stuff that you might think is normal, due to the things that are normalised. 

(example: Thinking that the fetishization of gay men is alright just because its seen as normal in this show.)

Anyways, stay safe!!

(be careful of the typos and have a good day!!)

(be careful of the typos and have a good day!!)

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