Chapter 21- Feminine Wiles

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Chapter 21: Feminine Wiles

Summary: An only Az POV chapter? In this economy?

Azriel POV:

Breakfast was delivered to their rooms early that morning and Azriel ate what he could.

There was a big weight off his shoulders after Gwyn and his conversation last night. Despite not really talking about the elephant in the room he felt better knowing she accepted his apology.

He and Gwyn had agreed when they parted ways the night before that they would meet again in their joining rooms before they joined with the others.

When Az entered their shared room he found her sitting on the settee with a book. Her sword and dagger lay haphazardly on the coffee table yet to be put on.

He made his way to her silently and spied what she was reading. It was a book about river nymphs. He startled her when he spoke.

"Are you excited to gain some insight on your heritage while here?" He asked.

She blushed, Az appreciated the way even the tips of her ears flushed red, matching her hair.

"It would be nice too. The library back home doesn't have near as many books on river nymphs since they aren't native to the area."

She put the book down and started to strap on her dagger. She fumbled with a buckle so Az dropped to his knees and helped her out.

He noticed her blush darken as he tightened the strap as well as the faint scent of arousal.

His mind wandered to what she could be thinking of but he quickly stood and motioned for her to turn around so he could help her with the sword.

His fingers delicately traced the ribbon on the hilt.

"Nesta and Emerie insisted on the ribbon... if I had it my way I wouldn't wear it at all."

"Why not?" He was puzzled why she would refuse.

Quietly she answered him. "I don't feel worthy of it yet."

Delicately he spun her around to face him.

"Gwyn, you are more than deserving."

She gave him a small smile, but she didn't seem to be convinced by his words. He didn't push the subject any further though.

They found the other pair waiting in the entrance hall. While Az and Gwyn were dressed menacingly, the others wore casual non imposing outfits.

Az noticed how Elain regarded them arriving at the same time but she said nothing.

She watches your every move, shadowsinger. His shadows told him as if he didn't already know.

"Ah, I'm glad you both wore your leathers today actually." Lucien said as he regarded the pair. "Today, we go hunting."

"Hunting? Is the Spring Court short on food too?" Gwyn questioned.

Lucien gave a chuckle. "Thankfully no. I mean we are going hunting for new recruits. Today we will go to the village and see who we can sign up for housekeeping and guard."

With that Lucien pushed open the grand doors and strode out, motioning them all to follow.

"We will take horses, since it's a good way away. When we arrive Elain and I will take to the market. Gwyn and Azriel I want you two to start at the taverns. If there are men out if work that's where they will be."

"Do we really want people that are out drinking this early in the morning?" He retorted.

"Not usually." Lucien grunted out as they arrived at the stables. "But we are desperate enough."

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