+3 skittles

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Jupiter (color enthusiast) • 1:04AM
question 3: do you think skittles have a different flavour?

Ranboo • 1:04AM
It's one in the morning why are you awake
Wait you live in a different timezone don't you

Jupiter (color enthusiast) • 1:05AM
shhhh. if i want to stay up until fohr in the mkrning then ill stay up until four jn the morning

Ranboo • 1:05AM
It's 4AM where you are???
Go to sleep??????

Jupiter (SLEEP) • 1:06AM
no <3
sleep is for the weak <3

Ranboo • 1:06AM
When's the last time you slept??

Jupiter (SLEEP) • 1:06AM

Ranboo • 1:07AM

Jupiter (SLEEP) • 1:07AM
but you havent answered my questiona abiu5 skittles

Ranboo • 1:08AM
That's why you're still awake?
Because you wanted to ask me if I think skittles have a different flavor?

Jupiter (SLEEP) • 1:08AM
yes. /srs

Ranboo • 1:08AM
Then yeah skittles do have different flavors???
Why would they not??

Jupiter (SLEEP) • 1:09AM
okay so
there was this blind test done
where they like,,, idk blindfolded people and made them try diffwreny skittles
and they like
couldnt tell the difference
its just differeny colours and smells i think
i tried it once with my friend/roomate
i coudl only tell the yellow one :/

Ranboo • 1:10AM
Why do you know this stuff

Jupiter (SLEEP) • 1:10AM
idk mqn stuff just catches my interest you know

Ranboo • 1:11AM
Okay then
Well now that I've answered your question, can you PLEASE go to sleep now

Jupiter (SLEEP) • 1:11AM
i mean ig
since you want me to so bad 🙄
gn sus #2 <3 /p

Ranboo • 1:12AM
Goodnight Jupiter :)

[   -   <Discord>   -   ]

Ranboo • 1:15AM
I am so very concerned xe stayed up until 4am,,

Tubbo • 1:16AM
you shoudl go to bed too bossman

Ranboo • 1:16AM
Oh I know I was
Then Jupiter messaged me about skittles
And the I found out ae were up at 4am and I told them to go to sleep

Tubbo • 1:17AM
what did she say aboth skittles??

Ranboo • 1:17AM
Something about how they have the same taste or something idk

Tubbo • 1:17AM
oh yea i remberer hearing about that

Ranboo • 1:18AM
I'm going to bed

Tubbo • 1:18AM
goodnigth :)

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