+10 there better be a can of green beans in there or i will lose my shit

862 26 3

[ Time zone for the chapter is EST. This is set in the morning as well, Elliot just uses a 24hr. clock. ]

[   -   Discord   -   ]

TommyInnit • 11:06
okay so. i may have sent more than i think was necessary.

jup1t3r • 11:08
jesus fuck what the hell did you send if ur telling me THAT

TommyInnit • 11:09
anyway it should get there soon i sent it like a week ago i think

jup1t3r • 11:11
dude im not the one that gets my mail,,,,

TommyInnit • 11:12

jup1t3r • 11:13
what do you think my rooommate is going to say when she sees (according to you) a giant fucking package outside at our front door when she gets home from work
i'm literally in a lecter right now im not getting home until 4
the mail arrives at 3 :worried:

TommyInnit • 11:13
look m8 idk what to tell you
just call me on discord when you open it i would at the very least like to hear your reaction

jup1t3r • 11:14
the things i do for minecraft streamers i barekly know personally,,,,,,,,,

TommyInnit • 11:15
hasn't it been like a month since you first texted ranboo

jup1t3r • 11:15
my concept of time is beyond your understanding.
my one question is: how many weirdly obscere things are in the package,

TommyInnit • 11:15
idk m8 i think i put a can of green beans in there bc someone suggested it on stream

jup1t3r • 11:17
you fucking STREAMED buying whatever the hell is in my packaage?????? /lh

TommyInnit • 11:18
wow you don't watch my streams? Fake Fan.

jup1t3r • 11:18
bouta shove a fan up ur ass if you keep this shit up bro
was that too far

TommyInnit • 11:20
nah m8 it's fine
but what the hell

jup1t3r • 11:20
woah suddenly this professer seems a lot more interesting than whatever bullshit ur talking about /lh

TommyInnit •11:21
have a nice day
or whatever

jup1t3r • 11:22
fuck u too <3 /p

[   -   :)   -   ]

ayup. short chapter. but also i finished the previous one tonight too so. wooo two chapters!!!!!! where the fuck is this motivation when im working ON MY OTHER FICS SMH SMH SMH

n e ways. now to work on the next chapter while im still on this motivation high. it's also 22:30 and i have school tomorrow so. mmmm fuck school (/J) minecraft fanfiction is more important smh smh. also i need as many ideas as i can with things before they all disappear.


have a good night tho! (other timezones simply Do Not Exist)

- S1mply_V1b1ng

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