+14 my taste in music is none of your concern

476 20 3

Ranboo • 1:16PM
You've been listening to the same song on loop for HOURS are you okay??

jup1t3r • 1:18PM
am i ever

Ranboo • 1:19PM
But seriously are you good?

jup1t3r • 1:19PM
yeah im fine lul dw
but do you ever just find that one song. and then you cant listen to any other song but that song for the next four days. or is that just a me thing

Ranboo • 1:20PM
It might be a you thing
Four days?????

jup1t3r • 1:21PM
i saw one (1) animatic and now its the only thing in my head :pensive: :pensive:
better than listening to "theres a platypus controlling me but its to the tune of my shot from hamilton" on loop for seven hours

Ranboo • 1:21PM
I'm sorry?????
You concern me more and more every time we speak

jup1t3r • 1:21PM
thats what i strive to do <3

Ranboo • 1:22PM
Of course it is

jup1t3r • 1:22PM
come on i need some sort of music to Think that is Simply How My Brain Works

Ranboo • 1:22PM
Shaking my head

jup1t3r • 1:22PM
ur so lucky im working on something rn otherwise i would fly halfway across the country just to toss you into the ocean

Ranboo • 1:23PM
You wouldn't

jup1t3r • 1:23PM
packing my bags rn /j
i wouldnt wven have anywhere to go lul

Ranboo • 1:23PM

jup1t3r • 1:24PM
for now :)
ill just look around in public places until i find you problem solved

Ranboo • 1:24PM
You know
I dont doubt that
It seems like something you would do

jup1t3r • 1:25PM
i exist only to cause chaos <33
now if youll excuse me
im going to bother the Shit out of tommy while hes still live
bc why the fuck not ykyk

Ranboo • 1:26PM
You enjoy doing that
Ill make sure to watch

jup1t3r • 1:26PM
thanks king <333
we love supporting the besties <333

Ranboo • 1:26PM

[ :) ]

so. Recent News.
im wishing technos family and friends the best.
may he rest peacefully and beat gods ass o7

unrelated, im Definitely getting sliwer with updates me thinks. idk if thats going to change considering its summer for me now but. maybe???? idk.

make sure to drink water and get some rest !!!! or at least try to get some rest. definitely drink water. maybe eat if you havent in a while. celebrate 4th of july if you celebrate it. dont if you dont. idk dont listen to me im tired as shit i got 4 hours of sleep (ans possibly insomnia)

also do you ever just get into A New Piece Of Media and listen to two characters interact and just think "Yeah theyre gay." bc ive just. MMM.

— Simply_Vibing or whatever the fuck my name is

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