An Alternate Impetus

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After a chain of thoughts had gone through my mind about Van Oslow, I got back to my senses. Laying my head on one of the corpses in the warehouse. I got up as if Van Oslow was right at the entrance of the building. And I rushed out hoping to see a car parked near the bushes. As expected, he was long gone. Besides failing the mission, I had an ultimatum to answer. And both of those problems aren't easy to tackle. Especially if you're literally a nobody. I poured bleach on all the bodies to try and hide my trace, even if I didn't exist at that time. A small piece of paper catches my eye as I'm getting into the Camaro. Right under the wipers, an address to a place I did not know. With Van Oslow signing it with ' Victor' right at the bottom corner of the paper. I didn't think that he would have a pen in his pocket to be honest, quite a shocker to me in the midst of all that drama. Tucking it into my pocket, it was already worth greater value to me than the whole mission.
Like a loop, I warm up the same meal and get ready to doze off watching something new on the tele. But it was different when I got back home. Right after I locked my door, the telephone was ringing. Sweat was already bathing my face like a drowning fish. Did she already know about Van Oslow? Is this an illusion? Please be an illusion. The constant ringing started to sound and feel different once I paid every ounce of attention I had towards it, bloody hell I didn't even blink. Slowly picked up the phone to my ear.

' Hello' I had to sound calm.

' Did you take care of Van Olsow?' a moment of silence for my moral upbringing, what a tragic way for it to go.

' Affirmative, all is good.'

' Well done'

' Yeah, I'm thinking of moving on.' An icebreaker of somesort.

' Moving on. What do you mean John?'

' I want to break the agreement we have, I can find the answers for my problems elsewhere. And I don't need you to understand, I just need you...'

' To know. I feel like I've heard it before.'

' This is my life we're talking about and I don't think that it's safe in your hands Royce'

' And where has this suddenly come from?' She laughs.

I could hear the lighter start her cigarette.

' You do know that your life will get drastically worse the moment you part ways with me?' If it was possible, I could smell the smoke she was blowing on the mouth piece.

' I am willing to take...'

' To take the risk, I know. Heard that one a fair amount of times too. You watch a lot of films don't you John. You're a little cinephile aren't yeah?' She giggles.

' I'm being serious Royce. I want to part ways with you.' I was gradually getting annoyed with the woman who I thought was more square than me.

' Ok, say you part ways with me right at this instance. Where are you going to live? And who is going to feed you? You're acting naive John. It's more than the answers you seek, I control every fundamental part of your wellbeing. And I don't want to have this conversation with you again.' And then she came back to her normal self.

' Let's agree on something that will benefit the both of us. Please' I ran out of confidence. And she immediately ended the call, bullocks.

I resumed my nightly activities as if I wasn't on a stressful phone call because I had enough of it for the day. I woke up the next day and I already had an odd feeling within me once I woke up. I wasn't sure about what it was so I ended up looking around the apartment for something which I didn't know. Until I looked under the telephone, the same telephone which didn't wake me up this morning. Very strange start to my day.

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